Player Got Played

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Ryker combed her hand through her hair as she walked to her dorm room after her last class for the day, she was gonna shower and change and then head to Roman's room to ask him to go to the diner with her

She walked to her room and was about to walk in, but she heard moans and her face twisted in confusion, what the fuck?

She pushed the door opened and rolled her eyes when she saw him

"Dean for god's sake!" She said loudly and Dean hopped away from the girl he was on top of

"Ry," he began but she shook her head

"I told you, only do that shit in your bedroom, what if the monitors came to check on us?" Ryker berated and then smiled

"Ryker," she introduced

"Layla," the girl replied

Ryker went to her own bedroom and changed into a black vest and blue jean shorts and she tied her hair up and made her way to Roman's room

She knocked on his door 3 times and then a girl opened it and Ryker froze, she was beautiful, she had tanned skin, beautiful curly brown hair and a figure to die for, Ryker felt insufficient after seeing her

"Hi," she greeted Ryker smiled

"Hi, um is Roman in?" She asked and the girl nodded

"Babe, a girl's here to see you," she said into the room and Roman came over, his jersey in his hands and Ryker's face fell

"Ryker," Roman said kinda shocked and also guilty

"Hey, uh I just came to tell you that I won't be in class tomorrow, and I won't be able to make our study session tomorrow night," she told him

"Wait Ry-" he began, trying to explain

"Bye Roman." She said pointedly hoping he got the message

She walked off quickly, Roman dropped his hands in defeat as his shoulders sagged

"Are you okay?" Roman looked at Galina as she asked

"Yeah, completely fine," he replied, staring the way Ryker went sadly

They went back into Roman's dorm room, his hand on Galina's waist

Ryker got back into her dorm room and knocked the key dish to the floor, and began hitting whatever was near her, frustration in her eyes

"Ry?" She heard Dean call from his bedroom

And later the door opened and he came out in his boxers and looked at her as she abused their loaf of bread

"I hate Roman fucking Reigns," she said and Dean's face hardened and then softened as he saw the tear on her cheek

He opened his bedroom door and looked in

"Sorry Layla, I need to be alone right now," he said and a few minutes later, she came out of the room and walked out

"You didn't have to-" Ryker began but Dean hushed her and hugged her tightly

"Shh, now tell me what happened," he said, petting her comfortingly

"He has a girlfriend," she told him and Dean's blood boiled

"Son of a-" Dean's rant was cut off by Ryker sniffling

"I really liked him Dean," she told him and he bit his lip, he did know that

"You were right about him," she told Dean and he sighed, he had known that to

"You're gonna be okay babe," he spoke and she sighed

"Let's go out tonight," she told him and he looked at her

"Ry-" he said, beginning to tell her they shouldn't go out while she was like this but he was cut off by a kiss that left him dazed

"Please?" She asked, pouting and Dean kissed his teeth, he couldn't resist. Plus since Roman came into the picture, he hadn't gotten a kiss from Ryker

"Okay, there's a party at Hotel wing tonight, we can check it out," he told her and she nodded

"And we need some more bread," he said, looking at the sad bag of abused bread and Ryker laughed

She just needed a night out, with her best friend like they always used to do before she started listening to how her heart picked up speed when she was around Roman.

Dean needed a new toothbrush and Ryker opted to pick one up for him so she went to the store and walked back into the main part of the dorms and saw Roman and the girl from earlier holding hands and smiling at each other

"Guess you met Galina," she heard a voice behind her say and she turned around to face Seth and her face hardened

"That's his girlfriend from a long time ago, told me last night that they've been together for 6 years and still going strong, he wants to marry her someday," Seth told her and Ryker looked back to where they were and swallowed deeply

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked him and he sighed and came a little closer, lifting a hand to her shoulder

"We drifted apart a long time ago Ry, but I still care about you alot, and Roman is my best friend, but I don't wanna see you get hurt," he told her

"I gotta get to class," he told her after a brief interlude of her silence, he patted her shoulder and walked past her

"Seth?" She called and he turned around expectantly

"Thank you," she finished and Seth smiled

"No problem," he winked

Ryker sighed and ran a hand through her hair, Seth never lied about anything, you could tell when he was lying, his voice would get really high and he would start stuttering

She looked at where Galina or whatever took off Roman's glasses and kissed him slowly, she watched him smile against the kiss, the kiss lacklustre to the one Ryker and him had shared, he was in a relationship? He played her?

"Well I'll be damned," Ryker smiled sadly at the realization, she rubbed a hand over her collarbone, a move she had picked up from Dean and she smiled to the ceiling of the building

"The player got played," she whispered and sighed sadly as she continued on her way to her dorm room to get ready, not missing the way sad grey eyes were following her footsteps until she disappeared around the corner

"You okay babe?" Galina asked, looking up at Roman who met her eyes and faked a smile

"Yeah, yeah uh, I'm fine," he replied, smiling at her

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