It's All True

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Ryker didn't go to class this morning, she just sat in bed watching as Dean got ready to go

"Are you sure you don't wanna go to class?" Dean asked, fixing the sleeves of his leather jacket, looking at her through the mirror of the bathroom

"I don't wanna see him," she replied with a sad sigh and he walked over to meet her. He sighed as she looked up at him, and he sat down on the bed with her, smiling gently as she shifted to rest her head on his thigh

"You can't hide from him forever," Dean said and Ryker sighed, sadly, she did know that

"Listen, I'm not gonna force you to go to class today but you're strong. You'll get over this, I know you really liked him, but he lost someone amazing, so don't worry too much," Dean told her, running his fingers through her hair

"Tell you what? How bout on my way back, I bring back some ice cream and  a fuck ton of twizzlers?" Dean asked, trying to elicit a smile from her and he smiled when he succeeded

"Thanks D," she said, nuzzling her cheek against his thigh

"Anything for you Ry," he replied bending down to kiss her temple

They spent another 5 minutes in that position before Dean got up to go to class. He pecked Ryker's lips and wished her goodbye, walking out and locking the door on his way out

When he got to class, he saw Roman and Seth talking, Dean's eyes narrowed dangerously as he got the image of Ryker laying sadly in bed because of that douche and he contemplated going over there but he knew Ryker wouldn't forgive him if he did something

Roman and Seth watched as Dean glared at Roman and Seth tsked at him

"Good going my dude, you made an enemy of Dean Ambrose," Seth said with his trademark cackle as he slapped Roman's shoulder

"Think she'll ever forgive me?" He asked Seth whose face got serious instantly. He wasn't joking when he said he cared about Ryker

"She doesn't forgive so easily Rome, and she doesn't like liars, so truth be told, I don't know," Seth admitted sadly

Roman frowned at the admission and walked to his seat as the instructor walked in. He truthfully hadn't meant to hurt Ryker, he and Gal were broken up for awhile and that's when he and Ryker started hanging out and Gal only came to his dorm to reconcile

But he didn't get to decide that he didn't hurt Ryker, because, he knew he did. He hurt her. She was a great girl, she didn't deserve that. But he had a future with Galina.

Dean sighed as he tightened his grip on the grocery bag in his hand, he had like 30 packs of twizzlers and 2 tubs of ice cream and some cheetos and chocolate kisses among some of their household necessities

"Ry? I'm home," he announced, walking into her bedroom and watched as the little dome of blankets opened an eye and then both and grinned when they saw him

"D!" She called happily as she dived on him, he laughed and hugged her close

"Have you been sitting here all day?" He asked her and she nodded

"Did you shower?" He asked her and she shook her head, he rolled his eyes playfully and pushed her into the bathroom, throwing her a towel and then closing the door

He started to unpack the stuff he bought, when there was a knock on the door, he groaned and jogged over to the door, pulling it open, and it was the last person he wanted to see right now

"The fuck you want?" Dean asked, narrowing his eyes dangerously at Roman

"I'm not here to fight with you Dean, I just wanna talk to Ryker," Roman said

"I don't think she wants to see you," Dean replied, folding his arms

"Mean who could blame her? You're the asshole who broke her heart," Dean growled

"Please Dean, I just wanna apologize to Ryker," Roman said, almost on the verge of begging

"As I already said, I don't think she wants to see you," Dean repeated

"That's not true," Roman insisted and Dean's eyes narrowed again

"Fine, then, I don't wanna see you around her," he said

"I don't think you get to make that choice," Roman said and Dean looked around before crowding in Roman's space and closing the door

"Listen and listen well. Ryker is my best friend, I protect her with my life, you hurt her Roman, I don't care what bullshit excuse you have for doing it and I really don't wanna know, what I do know, is that you hurt her really bad, that's something I don't do well with. What I also know, is that you should be thanking god that I haven't whooped your ass, really bad because that is something I do well with," Dean voiced

"You're not good for her Reigns. I don't care if she sees you as a sweet little nerd or whatever. I see you as the asshole who broke my best friend's heart, and that's all you'll ever be, I'm sure Seth gave you the speech about me already and what I'm willing to do for Ryker, and it's all true. Don't cross me Reigns," Dean warned

"Don't let me see you around Ryker again, I won't let you hurt her again," Dean said, going back into the room, casting a look at Roman

"See ya Reigns," he said pointedly, closing the door

Roman stared at the closed door with sadness in his eyes and an empty feeling in his heart and he sighed as he made his way back to his own dorm

"D? Who was at the door?" Ryker asked as she came out of her bedroom and sat where Dean was still unpacking the groceries with a serious expression on his face

When he heard her though, he forced a smile and shook his head

"No one important." He replied, emptying the bag of twizzlers, making her squeal with excitement

Roman was laying on his bed, Dean's words on replay in his head "I see you as the asshole who broke my best friend's heart" Roman rubbed his eyes as his thoughts came crashing down on him. What Dean said, it's all true wasn't it? All the horrible things Dean said to him and about him, were all true.

Roman laid down and closed his eyes, his eyes watering as he took in everything, he hurt her, he really hurt her. He felt like the scum of the earth right now

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