Horrible Friends?

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It was about an hour into their 'sleepover' and things weren't going too bad. They had eaten and now they were watching one of Seth's ridiculous movies that he swore by and it really wasn't all that terrible but he just grated Ryker the wrong way so obviously she had to make it an issue right?

"Pass me the TV guide," she told Seth as Dean yawned when Tom Cruise began riding the motorcycle

Seth picked up the TV guide and childishly stuck it under his butt, not taking his eyes off the TV

"Next time I'll ask you to pass me the candlestick," Ryker said and Seth turned to glare at her

"C'mon Seth, we've been watching Mission Impossible for like 3 hours, can we change it now?" She asked as Dean's hand rubbed her shoulder softly

"My room, my TV," Seth replied and Ryker rolled her eyes

"But we're your guests asshole." She said with a wry grin

"You're such a bitch." Seth said, scowling

"Hey!" Dean exclaimed, narrowing his eyes at Seth

"What? So it's okay for her to call me an asshole but if I call her a bitch you wanna kick my ass?" Seth said and then scoffed

"Typical." He said

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Dean asked, shoulders squaring when he stood up

"It means-" Seth paused, standing up and getting chest to chest with Dean, but Dean was a bit taller and a bit broader than Seth

"That you never see when she's wrong, or when she's rude or when she's fucking up. Everyone else is always at fault when it comes to her. You two are so fucking disgusting! Why don't you two just get back together and fuck each other's brains out like you usually do?" Seth asked and Dean growled, grabbing Seth's shirt in his hands and yanking him forward

"I'd watch my damn mouth if I was you Skunk Head." Dean growled and Ryker quickly stood up and grabbed Dean's bicep

"De," she said softly and he looked at her and she felt him relax, Seth noticed too, and scoffed, making Dean snarl again turning his attention back to Seth

"Atleast she wants to hop on my dick, you still salty that she cringed when she saw that lame excuse for one that you have?" Dean asked and Ryker grimaced at the astonished look on Seth's face

"You son of a bitch!" He yelled before rearing his fist back and clocking Dean in the jaw

Dean stumbled back, letting go of Seth and he bent at the waist and cupped his jaw, moving it around before he grinned, and stared at Seth

"Provocation is a defence in the court of law," Dean said and Seth opened his mouth but Dean threw himself at Seth and grabbed his shoulder, beginning to punch him

"Dean stop it!" Ryker called, watching as Dean got off Seth, yanking him up and grabbing his jaw

"You either respect her on your own or I beat it into you," Dean said lowly and brought his knee up to Seth's stomach, he doubled over and held it, he waited till Dean turned around then he jumped on his back and locked in a sleeper hold, putting all of his weight into it

"Fucking stop!" She yelled, running over and yanking Seth off of Dean's back before she slapped him across the face, Dean began laughing when Ryker slapped Seth

"Nice shot Ry!" Dean cheered and Ryker gave him a tight lipped smile before another slap rang out, Dean's head snapping to the side 

Seth audibly gasped as Dean's hand went up to touch his reddening cheek, he turned to look at Ryker with hurt on his face

"Ry-" he whispered

"How fucking old are you two?" She asked, looking angrily between them

"We-" Seth began

"No, shut the fuck up." Ryker interrupted, raising her finger and Seth clamped his mouth shut

"I told you two, right now, Roman's the number one priority, making sure he's okay and safe is MY number one priority," she said pointing to herself

"And why pray tell is that Ryker? Last time I checked, you wanted nothing to do with him," Seth said, folding his arms and narrowing his eyes, Ryker looked down at the floor

"Last time I checked, you rejected all his apologies and I was the one who had to sit here with him being all mopey and shit. Cuz of you!" Seth said, pointing to her and she flinched, actually flinched


"It's okay Dean, let him say what he needs to," Ryker said, fists clenched, eyes firmly trained to the carpet

"He's so much better off without you, you shouldn't even be here. It's because of you he's been so stressed lately and that's probably why he took that shit from Corey." Seth spat and Dean's eyes widened at his words, Ryker remained as emotionless and blank as a wall

"I'm his best friend, you broke up with him! You left him Ryker, you're nothing to him now." Seth said bitterly

"You're right Seth. I left him and yes I wouldn't listen to him, but it's better this way. He can find someone to give him happiness the way I couldn-"

"There you go again! Always the goddamn victim right? It's always poor little Ryker's feelings getting hurt right? No one else's feelings matter except yours right? You don't care about Roman, you never fucking did." Seth accused and Dean tensed up

"You think you know everything don't you? You think you're inside everyone's head, that you know their every thought and emotion, well news flash Sethy, you don't know shit. I love Roman and I always fucking will. I don't need anyone to tell me that I don't because I know that I love that man more than anything else and if you have a problem with that, then you can just drop dead, I wouldn't care." Ryker said and Seth's face fell

"Ryker," Dean said softly, touching her shoulder and frowning at her words, Ryker had a bit of an attitude but that was a little harsh

"And you." She said turning her eyes to Dean

"You need to get over yourself, I'm not gonna stop loving Roman Dean, I know you're worried about me, I know that you're scared to lose me, but you gotta know that I can take care of myself, and that you'll never lose me De, it's stupid of you to think any different," She admitted and Dean looked down

"You two are being childish as fuck and in this time when we need to be here for Ro, I can't believe you two could be this selfish. What happened to the two guys I met back home? The so called bad boy who picked fights for fun but had the biggest heart of gold? And you Seth, what happened to that shy little kid who obsessed over rock bands and comic books?" She asked

"I don't know what happened to them but I want them back." She added sadly and then sighed, raking a hand through her hair when no one said anything

"I'm gonna see if Ro's up for eating something," she then said and walked into his bedroom, leaving Seth and Dean to think about what she said, how could they not have realized how selfish they were being towards her and Roman? Damn, they were horrible friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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