Earn You

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"And that time when we sat on your roof under the stars when our parents were arguing," Dean reminisced and Ryker smiled

"We been best friends for a long time huh?" Ryker asked, putting a twizzler in her mouth

Dean and Ryker had just gotten back from a movie around 8 at night, they would wait an hour and then head to a party that some guy in Delta was hosting

Ryker was glancing around the corridors to see if there was anyone she knew and she caught a figure standing at the far end and her eyes lit up

Roman stood there, with a textbook showing Summer Rae something from it. With the way Summer was looking at Roman though, it was obvious that she was just interested in learning about Roman's anatomy.

"Hold up Dean," she spoke, making the dirty blonde stop talking and look after her confused as she marched her way up to the pair

"Hey babe," she said softly as she touched Roman's bicep

"Hi bitch," she then said, turning to Summer with a scowl

"Next time when you need him to explain something to you, might wanna try looking at the book, instead of looking at my man like a piece of meat,"  Ryker said, just under a growl

"I mean he is a beautiful, sexy as hell beefcake, but he's mine. So back the fuck off before I jack your fucking face," Ryker continued then looked down at Summer's cup, who the fuck drinks milk while they're heading to a party and since it was her boyfriend that was throwing the party, there was no doubt that's where she was going

Why she stood here flirting with Roman? No one really knew and Ryker really didn't fucking care. All she knew was that she didn't like it one bit

"Anyway Roman," Summer said, looking up at Roman with what she thought was bedroom eyes, but really, she looked like a blow fish 

"What do you say we get outta here and go back to my room-" Summer didn't get to finish as Ryker striked the underside of the cup and the milk fell all over her and she yelled out

"Ooh," Dean said making a face and then laughing as he took in the situation

"Aw Summer, you're so clumsy, you ruined your pretty little outfit," Ryker said feigning concern but then she smirked 

"Guess you're used to having something white and sticky cover you all the time though," she said flicking a hand at Summer who boiled over and walked away angrily

Ryker smirked and folded her arms, looking proud at herself until she looked at Roman's raised eyebrow and she tilted her head

"What?" She asked innocently

"What was all that about?" Roman asked, looking at her with a hint of a smile

"Don't really like when sluts touch something I want," she replied with a shrug through her folded arms

"I'm what you want? Even though you rejected me last week?" He asked her and all the dots in Ryker's head connected

"That's why you've been avoiding me?" She asked him and Roman's smug smile fell and he blushed bright red and coughed slightly and avoided her gaze. She sighed and walked a step closer to him

"Listen to me Roman, I didn't reject you because I didn't want you," she told him

"I rejected you because I want you more than anything," she finished and Roman tilted his head in confusion

Now Roman was an exceptionally intelligent guy, but he was so confused right now

"I don't understand," he admitted and she sighed

"You remember the time I asked you to go out with me?" She asked him and he nodded, he remembered

"And you told me no? And you don't go out with anyone you don't know?" She asked and he nodded again

"I wanna earn you Roman," she admitted

Roman froze as he heard those five words fall from her lips, her gaze hard and sincere as she registered his expressions

"I like you, alot. I don't want a mindless fuck," she said short and crass, making him wince

"I wanna earn you, so that when you're ready, I can make love to you, and it'll mean something to you, that's why I rejected you last week," she explained

"Not because I don't want you. But because I want you so bad, that I got the world of respect for you," she finished and Roman swore he wanted to cry at her admission

"So please don't avoid me, I like you alot, and I wanna spend my time proving that to you," she admitted and at Roman's blush, she rested a hand on his cheek and pressed their lips together sweetly, enjoying his sweetness

Roman was flushed when they pulled apart and Ryker smiled at him and rubbed her thumb over his cheekbone gently

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said and at his nod, she walked back the way she came to meet up with Dean as they went to that party

Roman couldn't sleep. He had Ryker's words on his mind like clockwork.

"I wanna earn you Roman,"

"I wanna earn you Roman,"

"I wanna earn you Roman,"

He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, she wanted to earn him. This wasn't just about sex to her. Seth was wrong. Roman could trust her.

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