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Ryker had been walking through the quad when a voice called out to her, she spun around and saw Roman walking towards her, she smiled at him

"Hey Ro," she greeted and he narrowed his eyes at the strange behaviour

"Hey, I was hoping we could talk?" He asked wringing his hands together and Ryker smiled, she still thought he was so adorable.

"What's there to talk about?" She asked, still smiling at him

"About what happened, I just wanted-"

"If you're gonna say you're sorry, don't bother, it's alright. I kinda always knew you were too good for me you know? You always were with the stuck up guys who looked down on others who weren't on their level of intellect or who didn't live their life like your friends do." Ryker said and then smiled and touched Roman's cheek, smiling when he leaned against her touch

"But you were always different. That's why I fell for you I guess. You were always different from them," she said honestly and then she huffed a laugh

"But as much as I knew you were different, I knew that some day they'd get to you, and I couldn't be the reason that could have made you go against them, I wouldn't have been the reason that would have made you stay," she said rubbing her thumb against his bottom lip

"I hurt you." He said and she smiled with a shrug

"Nothing I'm not used to. People been hurting me since I was like 5, it's okay. I'm not mad at you Ro, so if that's what you're worried about, we're okay, no matter what happened between us and how it ended, I just want you to be happy." She said honestly

"I gotta get to class, I'll see you around?" She asked and Roman didn't say anything, he was frozen, she gave him a little smile, seeming to know that and she leaned in and pecked his cheek

"Bye Ro," and she turned around and walked off

Roman just looked after her, he wasn't even blinking, he didn't know what the hell just happened. Ryker just told him that she-

"No fuck that." Roman said, turning briskly on his heel

He was making this right even if it killed him. He was gonna try his very best, no one, in his 20 years of living made him feel as alive as being with Ryker made him feel

When he got back to his dorm, Seth and all their friends were there and Roman sighed but began walking towards his bedroom, he had stuff to do.

"It's so good that Rome finally broke up with that worthless bimbo." Kevin said, not seeing Roman enter since he was on the floor and couldn't see the door and the video game they had in was really loud

Seth's eyes widened at Kevin's words since he was the only one facing the door and he shot up when Roman started walking towards Kevin, smoke practically blowing out of his ears

"No, no," Seth said, out of earshot from the other guys, hand on Roman's broad chest

"Get Ry back first and then we'll deal with these guys okay? Priorities." Seth said and Roman levelled him with a look before nodding and heading off into his room

Seth took a breath of relief, thanking god he wouldn't have to break up a brawl today as he went back to sit on the couch where the guys were playing Call of Duty.

"Hey Ry?" Dean called out as he rubbed on some aftershave

"Yeah De?" She called back, making up his bed since he seemed incapable of doing it himself

"I'm leaving now okay? I'll see you really late tonight," he said sadly and she nodded with a smile

"Okay, stay safe," she wished

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