What's Your Problem?

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Ryker was on her bed with her text book, Dean was going out to a party in Lima wing so he was in the bathroom, freshening up

Ryker ate a cookie and waited. She had invited Roman over to study, normally when she invited a guy over to her dorm to 'study' that meant fuck.

But, things were different with Roman, he was so pure and precious, like a cinnamon roll, she couldn't take away his innocence like that.

"Why aren't you ready?" Dean asked, spraying some cologne on his muscle tee

"Aren't we going to that Lima party?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he put on his jacket

"I invited Roman over," she replied not looking up

Dean felt his blood boil at her statement, so what? He came second to Roman

"What's your problem?" He asked folding his arms

"What?" She asked, looking up at him confused

"You don't hang out with me anymore, it's like all you care about is fucking Reigns," he said and Ryker looked shocked at her best friend's outburst

"Roman's my friend Dean, doesn't mean I wanna fuck him," she replied

"Cut the bullshit Ry, you know the kind of person Roman is, he's not gonna give you what you want. He's too shallow for that kinda thing," Dean said

"Stop talking about him like you know him!" She yelled getting up

"If you think he's gonna like someone like you then I know him better than you fucking do!" He replied

"What is wrong with you?" Ryker asked, nearly in tears

"You're supposed to be my best friend! You're not supposed to leave me as soon as some fucking greek god, snooty motherfucker walks into your life!" Dean yelled, eyes filling with tears

"D," Ryker whispered when she realized he had tears in his eyes

"Just forget it, I'm gonna be later than usual, don't expect me home tonight," he said walking out and slamming the door. Ryker sighed sadly and sat down on the edge of the bed

Roman smiled politely at Dean as he walked up to Ryker's dorm room, Dean made eye contact with him and his face hardened, he walked straight past Roman, shoving his shoulder as he went. Roman frowned and went into the room seeing Ryker sitting on the bed with her head in her hands

"Ryker, are you alright? If it's a bad time-" he began but she snapped her head up and shook her head

"It's fine, c'mon and sit," Ryker said, wiping under her eyes and forcefully smiling at him

They had been studying for an hour and Roman was worried now, it wasn't like her to be this silent

"Okay Ryker, what's up?" He asked, unable to contain his worry

"Huh?" She asked, looking at Roman confused

"You're never this quiet, you're always talking and flirting with me, what's up?" He asked

"Guess I'm just not into it tonight," she replied, shrugging her shoulders

Roman bit his lip and said screw it and held her hand to yank her into his lap and she gasped at his sudden movement and her arms went around his neck, throughly surprised

"Talk to me," he whispered looking into her eyes and she was looking at him with lust in her eyes

She leaned in and pressed her lips against his forcefully and when he gasped, she shoved her tongue into his mouth, moaning when they tangled

She pulled back and started going down his neck

"Shit," he whispered, squeezing her hips as she kissed over his adams apple

"Gosh you're fucking sexy," she moaned into his ear, he growled and pushed the text books off the bed and lay her down and hovered over her

"Wait, wait," she breathed and put her hands on his shoulders making him pull back

"You're too pure for a quick fuck. I'm not taking away your innocence like that," she revealed and Roman looked at her like he was mortified

"I have to go." He said, quickly getting off of her and getting his text book before he rushed out of the room

Ryker looked after him in confusion, did she do something wrong? She lay back in bed to wait up for Dean, she needed to apologize to him

Roman was laying in bed sadly, he couldn't believe he went that far with Ryker only for her to reject him, how embarassing. He would never be able to face her again

Dean came home at around 10, which was very early for them. He closed the door behind him and looked at her. They just stood there looking at each other before they met in a hug in the middle of the room, both of them tightly clutching to each other

"I'm sorry," they both said at the same time and just stood there hugging for awhile

"I should have never said all that hurtful stuff to you, you're my best friend and I was jealous of how much time you were spending with Reigns," he admitted

"I shouldn't have ditched you for him all those times, you're my best friend and I love you, tomorrow, let's go out for breakfast, catch a movie and some lunch and then a party in the night," she told him and his face lit up

"You know, I couldn't have any fun tonight, didn't drink, smoke, I couldn't even stay long cuz I kept thinking about how I left things," he said and she hugged him again

Trust Dean to worry unnecessarily about little things that messed with their friendship dynamic. That's the person he was.

"Let's get some sleep," she told him and he held her hand

"Can you sleep in my bed just tonight?" He asked like an adorable little kid and Ryker nodded

"Of course," she replied so they went to his room and she lay down, Dean stripped to his boxers and lay with her, ultimately she lay on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her as they fell asleep

Anytime Dean felt like he was gonna lose her, he would hold her as close to himself as possible, and this was one of those moments.

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