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Ryker walked into the kitchen and began laughing as Dean walked around the kitchen with a slice of bread on his head. The conversation that followed was gut busting


"Yes Ry?"

"Why is there a slice of bread on your head?"

"Elementary my dear best friend, I was hungry so I made myself a sandwich,"

"Quite literal,"

"Would you like me to make you a sandwich?"

"Not really, I just washed my hair, I also don't want the pigeons attacking me when I go outside,"

"What a marvelous idea my dear best friend,"

Why Dean was calling her 'dear best friend' and speaking in a horrible English accent was beyond her understanding but it was damn adorable

As Ryker watched him busy himself making them lunch, she thought back to the conversation she and Roman just had and found herself frowning

She listened to the phone ring twice before her boyfriend picked up

"Hey Ry," he answered and she smiled, that was a voice she'd never get tired of hearing

"Hey Ro, just wanted to know what time we're meeting at the diner later?" She asked, looking through her closet

Roman looked at his friends who sat on the couch right across from him and frowned, all their words running through his mind and feeding his doubts

"Ro? You still there babe?" Ryker asked and Roman shook his head

"Yeah babe, um, I'm not feeling so well, I might stay home and study tonight, I'm really sorry," he told her and she frowned

"Oh, you got a cold?' She asked and Roman shook his head

"Nah, just feeling under the weather babe, I'll be good in a day or two," he replied

"I'm sorry for breaking our date though," he apologized

"That's okay doll face, you just feel better, Dean and I might just check out that Sierra party tonight." She replied, not wanting to seem upset

"Okay babe, I'll just be at home, might study a bit and then go to bed, have fun tonight, stay safe," he told her

"You to, call me if you need anything," she told him cuz honestly, she'd come running.

That was the end of the conversation and now Ryker was here, watching Dean make lunch

"You wanna get dinner at Old Man Flair's tonight?" She asked, not feeling to party but also not feeling to stay at home, Dean hummed

"Thought you had a date with Reigns tonight?" He asked, sucking some ketchup off his thumb

"He isn't feeling well, so we cancelled," she said with a shrug and Dean looked up at her and stared for a minute before nodding

"Yeah sure we can get dinner later," he replied stir frying the vegetables

"I'll pick Ro up some of those heart shaped pancakes he likes so much and go over later," she told Dean who nodded at her

Later, Roman was in his room when Seth and Finn walked in talking about getting some food

"You wanna come with Rome?" Finn asked as Seth was changing his shirt

"Where?" Roman asked, closing his book and looking expectantly up at his friends

"Flair's," Seth replied

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