Something's Up

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"Hey Ry," Dean said, adjusting the sleeves of his leather jacket as Ryker walked in from her last evening class

"Hey D," she replied, shrugging off her own grey leather jacket, in favour of her black one

"You coming to the Sierra party tonight?" He asked, spraying some cologne, watching as she shoved some money in her back pocket and picked up some of her text books

"Can't, gotta meet Roman at the cafe," she told him and Dean pursed his lips

Roman was reading another paragraph in his book when he felt something hit him square in the middle of his forehead

He looked up alarmed and saw Ryker smiling bashfully at the bowl of popcorn they ordered earlier

"You're gonna get it," he told her, grabbing a handful of popcorn and flinging it at her

She screeched in surprise and laughed after, she took up a handful of popcorn like he did and flung it at him, laughing and quickly getting up to run out of the cafe

She heard Roman laugh and she was so sure he hadn't followed her that she started walking instead of running and she felt arms around her waist and she was lifted into the air

"Gotcha!" She heard and she laughed as he spun her

"Roman!" She squealed holding onto his arms

"Crazy kids," the cafe owner who was an old man said as he cleaned up the popcorn but he had a fond smile on his face, those two were so obviously in love

Roman let her down and she turned to face him. The moonlight shone down on them, and the breeze blew gently around them

"I owe you," Ryker told him and he tilted her head, smiling when she took his hand

"Owe me for what?" He asked and she yanked him closer to kiss his lips, he gasped and she deepened the kiss, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her waist

They stayed just like that, pressed together, lips connected and wrapped up in warmth of each other

When they pulled away, Roman had a deep blush on his face but he was smiling big and wide, how adorable

Ryker walked Roman back to his dorm room and they stood in front of his door, Ryker just admired him for a few minutes

"I had alot of fun with you," he told her and she smiled and nodded

"I did to," she replied and he blushed again

"We still on for tomorrow night?" He asked her, scuffing his feet on the floor

They had made plans to study at Roman's room tomorrow night, Ryker didn't really like studying, although she got good grades, she didn't really like studying. Since it was Roman's hobby of some sorts to study at all times

"Of course, I'll see you here at 7," she replied and Roman blushed with a smile

"Night Ryker," he wished and she smiled and leaned up to peck his lips

"Goodnight Roman," she replied and walked off like a boss, giving him a show as she swayed her hips

She was sitting on her bed, later in the night, eating a pack of twizzlers and plotting her newest Art project when Dean came back home, smelling like alcohol

"Hey Ry!" He called jumping next to her on the bed and she laughed at him and replied

"So there's a party at Lima tomorrow night, you down?" He asked, watching her plot her project

"Uhhh-" she dragged and he rolled his eyes

"Lemme guess, you gotta hang out with Reigns?" He asked and she bit her lip at his emotionless voice

"Sorry D, we'll hang out on Friday," she promised and he sighed, getting up to go into the bathroom

Dean stripped off his shirt and began thinking as he brushed his teeth. Roman and Ryker had been spending alot of time together lately, something was definitely up

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