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Since the night that Khloe told me that she's related to the boys we've been speaking everyday, I'm trying to find a hint that she's feeling the same way but all I've gotten so far is sarcastic jokes, I can't actually describe how alike she is to her brothers it's actually pretty scary.

Im actually looking forward to seeing her. I know I said some harsh things to her last time but she doesn't seem like she remembered or she cares.. Maybe she's the type to forgive and forget.

I hope she's forgiven me at least.

I've been trying to get hold of her for the last two days and I've only received about 5 messages back saying she's busy at work and that she'll talk to me later..

But today, I've had no texts all day and I'm slightly worried, it's 7pm and she normally gives me a quick message to say she's fine.

What if she's not fine?

What if our rivals saw her with us?

What if they caught up with her?

Why didn't I put protection her as soon as she left.


She's fine..

She's probably busy all day and forgot to text back..

So I ring.. and it rings and rings till I'm about to cut off.

And then I hear her sweet voice.

'Blake Hi!' She said sounding out of breath.

'Hey Khlo, is everything okay?' I said worried.

'Huh? Oh yeah.. yeah everything's amazing. Look Blake I gotta go. I'll text you later?' She said about to hang up.

'Khloe wai-' and I couldn't even finish before she hung up.

'Well there goes nothing..' I thought to myself.

I ended up going to the clubhouse after work and having a few drinks with Killer.

We was talking about everything but mainly the wedding, we couldn't believe that Ghost is the first one to get married out of his sons, we thought it was going to be doc and his girlfriend.

Doc is Killers youngest son, he didn't want to be out on the field. He wanted to be a 'healer' when he was young after his mum died, so he went through medical school and became one of the best doctors I know. He works in a hospital round the corner but when his needed here he is always here.

'What's happening with you and that little blonde?' Killer asked.. I don't think he realises that, that little blonde is actually his daughter.

'Just talking, I like her but don't know if she could cope with this lifestyle.' I said shaking my head.

'Well it's dam lucky the feelings mutual then aye.' I heard the same sweet voice behind me. Which made me freeze.

'What?' I said finally turning around.

'Hey you big goof.' Khloe said laughing before running for me.

I just about stood up before she launched herself at me. She squeezed the life out of be before releasing me.

'What? What are you doing here.' I said confused.. She was at home 2 hours ago?

'I took your advice.. and I met her, she's waiting in the car for me.' She said smiling really big.

'I don't think we've met sweetheart, I'm Killer.' Killer coughed before introducing himself to her.

'Hi! I have someone you would like to meet.' She said to him.. I know finally who she is talking about.

'What? You've just met me, how do you know I would like to meet them?' He said before narrowing his eyes at her.

'Because why wouldn't you be happy to see me?' I heard a voice say from the door.

Looking over I can see that clearly it's Khloe's birth mother, and she got her looks from her clearly.

'L?' Killer said stuttering.

'Hey Kayden' She said narrowing her eyes at him.

'What are you doing here?' He said walking over to her.

'I thought it's about time you met your daughter and I get to see my sons again. Don't you think?' She said squaring her shoulders at him.

'Daughter?' He said before turning his head so fast we could hear the click. We all cringed.

'Hi daddy. I'm Khloe.' She said waving at him..

I didn't actually expect him to be speechless and Ghost to walk in at the same time.

'Dad?' He said confused looking at Khloe.

'Mum? What are you doing here?' He said finally looking at Khloe's mum.


Khloe finally meets her dad and brother.

What do you think is going to happen?

It's edited!

Don't forget.




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