E P I L O G U E ✔

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We waited a year to get married because Khloe didn't want to be pregnant on her wedding day,

We had a beautiful white wedding by the lake I took Khloe to on our first date if you could even call it that.

We had another beautiful little girl. We called her Kiera because Khloe didn't want to be the odd one out with our children's both starting with the letter B.

Killer walked Khloe down the isle.

Ghost walked Bailey down the isle.

Kid walked Kiera down the isle.

Doc was the one who actually got us married.

Khloe wanted them all to be a special part of the wedding as they didn't get to see her grow up, which I felt was an utterly amazing thing to do.

Everyone cried when we said our vows. Literally everyone there wasn't a dry tear in the crowd.

We didn't invite the club to the actual wedding, we wanted it to be blood family only so it was very small but beautiful.

We had the reception at the clubhouse with everyone invited, lets just say I'm glad my children were in bed because it was mental.

We did end up moving house. We wanted somewhere bigger because we both wanted a bigger family, so we bought a beautiful house just out of London. It was a 6 bedroom house with its own pool and cinema room.

Killer ended up passing the president title down to Ghost after Khloe had the baby as he wanted to be a more hands on grandad, specially when Lyla and Jodie both got pregnant shortly after, all girls so far!

We've tried for 2 years now to have another baby and it just doesn't seem to be working so we're going to the doctors today to make sure everything is okay.

'Khloe, you ready baby?' I called out to her.

'Yes, I'm coming!' She shouted back then started walking down the stairs.

'Bay, be good for uncle Kyle!' I said to her when I see her following her mother.

Bailey is now 9 going on 19! She has the attitude to match, she's so helpful though with her baby sister, she would do absolutely anything for her which I love. She shares all her toys and even her food if it's mushed up properly. She also helps with picking out clothes and making bottles. Bay is a mini khloe.

'Will do.' she said before sitting down watching the tv.

'Let's go!' I said picking up my keys. We drive the cars wherever we go somewhere together but I drive my bike to and from work and the clubhouse. It's practical with having children.

It took 10 minutes to get to our doctors which is amazing because we didn't want to live too far out from the important places.

'Mrs Hayes?' The nurse called after waiting 20 minutes.

'The doctor will be in shortly to see you.' she said happily

'What if it's bad news! What if we can't have anymore? We want a big family B!' Khloe said worriedly.

'We'll be fine and if we can't then I'm sorry but I'll have to divorce you.' I said seriously.

'What?' She said shocked which made me laugh.

'I'm joking! God laugh Khlo! We can always adopt.' I said laughing even more that we didn't hear the doctor come in until he coughed.

'Morning Mr and Mrs Hayes. What can I do for you both today?' He said smiling at us both.

'We've been trying to get pregnant for two years and we haven't had any luck. Ouch.' Khloe said before holding her stomach.

'Are you okay?' I said worried.

'Yeah, just like a really sharp pain. Sorry doc, yes we haven't had any luck.' she said still holding her stomach.

'Let's see, if you could get onto the bed for me we can run a internal scan and then run a few tests.' The doctor said.

When Khloe stood up she accidentally wet herself which made her scream.

'Khloe?' I said shocked that she would do that.

'That wasn't pee. Oh ouch! What the fuck!' Khloe said whilst the doctor paled.

'It looks like your waters just broke' The doctor said.

'What?' We both screamed.

'Get on the bed. I'll get the nurses hold on!' The doctor said whilst running the door to shout for the nurses.

It took 10 minutes for the doctor and nurses to come back in and check.

It took 2 hours till Khloe started pushing and we got our baby.

A son! We finally got a son.

'Ouch! What? I need to push again!' Khloe shouted surprising us all.

4 pushes later we had another son.

Four children.

We have four children now.

The doctors explained that they must of been growing in an angle that's why there wasn't a bump.

We're now complete.

Bailey Hayes

Kiera Hayes

Brady Hayes

Brandon Hayes.

Our perfect family.

Who knew I would fall in love with my best friends long lost sister?

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