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When Khloe told me she's going to think about it, I couldn't of been happier. If she gets into her head that moving to London would be a good place it means I will have my whole family together and I'll have a better place to win Khloe back.

I've been in Belfast for a month now, and I can honestly say it's completely different. The accents for a start. I thought Khloe was bad enough but the locals? I can't even understand them.

Bailey is going back to school soon and I'm trying to get Khloe to decide on the move before she goes back so she can settle in her new school. I didn't tell her but my mum is actually the head of the primary school in London so I know she'll have a place straight away if they do decided to move.

When I told my mum and dad about bailey they were upset that they didn't notice they had a grandaughter and that Khloe didn't tell them but I explained why she didn't and they understand from her point of view.

I've spent everyday for a month with my girls and its been amazing. I can't believe I missed out on so much over stupid shit.

I've actually been summoned back to London, the shop needs me and so do the club, i don't want to leave my girls but I can always come back at the weekend, which was the plan.

Every weekend till we can sort out living arrangements is what's going to happen which I'm not happy about. The sooner my girls are in London the better.

'Daddy, where are you going?' Bailey asked me when she saw my suitcases.

'I'm going to visit grandad and uncles, i will be back on the weekend okay?' I said bending down to her level.

'No! I want you here all the time!' She said stamping her foot.

'I know baby, but like mummy, daddy has to go to work so I can buy you lots and lots of elephants!'

'You promise?' She said wide eyed.

'I will bring you a big teddy bear back.' I said moving my hands to show her how big the teddy will be.

'Okay, you can go. Be back on weekend!' She said giving me a hug then running into the kitchen.

'Good luck finding a big teddy.' Khloe said laughing.

'I will, I'm going to miss you. I don;t want to go back' I said pulling her into a hug.

Lately she's been letting me hug and give her head kisses whenever I want.

'No you wont, you'll have the time of your life with all them croweaters, you haven't had sex in 7 years.' She laughed but I can see the sadness in her eyes.

'I don't need sex baby, the only one I need is you. My hand works perfectly fine till your ready.' I said winking at her which made her blush.

'Shut up you goof. Text me when you get home please, I want to know your safe.' She did squeezing me tight.

'I will beauty. I love you.' I said to her, I know she wont say it back but I always say it to reassure her I do.

'I know. Ill see you when your back. Safe flight B.' She said pulling away and resting her head on mine.

'I will. See you later my queen, look after my princess.' I said before picking up my suitcases to make my way to the waiting cab.

It didn't take long to get to the airport but I can't describe the pain of missing my girls and I haven't even been gone long.

I don't know how I'm going to get through the next week without seeing them.

It took a few hours till i get home, when I landed I text Khloe straight away to let her know I've landed.

I finally got to the clubhouse seeing as my lease on my flat was void when I went to prison.
Who know that they don't allow you to keep it when your going away? I laughed actually laughed when they sent mum sent me a letter to tell me they moved all of my stuff into the clubhouse and storage.

I'll have to find a house for when Khloe moves, and I know she will. I will make her see its the best option.

Now I just have to cope a week without them.

God help me I will need it.

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