Chapter Forty-One.

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Charlotte sat down beside Ben on the sofa. Swinging her legs around on to his lap before she picked up her coffee cup. Rosie sat at the table eating her breakfast with Bonny sat licking her lips watching her.

"I'm so glad it's Friday. Think I might have a soak in the bath tonight." She let out a sigh as the first sip warmed its way to her stomach.

"Hmmm yeah." He said in to his own cup as he was watching the latest news headlines.

"Are you ok?" She asked, he looked round at her and frowned. "After yesterday?"

"Am I ok? Stop worrying about me Lottie, I was acting like a twat! I scared you. So really I should be asking if you're ok!" He said putting his now empty cup down. "I am sorry, you know that yeah? I just, I don't even know why I was fucking surprised to be honest."

"Ben!" Rosie called over from her spot.

"I'm still in credit from the other day and you know it! Nice try though!" He smirked making her laugh.

"I've finished!" She smiled as she went to the kitchen with her now empty cereal bowl and glass.

"Teeth and uniform on then. Make sure you've got everything you need in your bag."

"Yes mum!" She let out a huff as she walked out of the room.

"Im not a delicate wall flower you know. You didn't scare me though Ben." She took his hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I shouldn't have shouted at you." He grumbled.

"I probably would have reacted the same if I was being accused of the same by him and then found out." She told him as she kissed his hand. "I don't know how to describe it. I wasn't scared, overwhelmed perhaps? Glad that they've found where he's been hiding, angry they haven't caught him still and upset because of the whole Jen thing. I don't like you being hurt or upset." She smiled at him.

"Ok fair enough, I still shouldn't have reacted like that though. Dads fucking fuming about my laptop!" He sighed and he rubbed circles on her thigh.

"We'll get it sorted!" She says as she kisses him. "I should go get dressed too." She said as she went to stand up.

"Can we have lunch in your office today? I want to talk to you about something." Ben said as he too stood up.

"Sounds ominous!" She frowned slightly, worried about what he wanted to talk to her about. "But if I can, I will. I have a couple of meetings I have to go to with your dad because my dad isn't going to be in today."

"Ok, no worries. It can wait." He smiled. "Are you done in the bathroom yet?" He shouted at Rosie.

"Yes!" He heard her call from his spare room.

"Right, Im going to have a quick shower while you two get ready." Giving her a chaste kiss, he walked away to the bathroom.

"Don't forget your arm bag" She laughed at him grumbling.


Ben's truck pulled up in front of Mary and Peters. See you later trouble. He smiled at the young girl as she got out of the truck.

"See you later Ben!" She waved as she walked in to her Nana and Grandads with Bonny and her mum.
Beep. Beep. Taking his phone from his pocket.

Ellie Jones; You asked her yet? Xx
Ben; Asked her what?
Ellie Jones; You know what! Xx
Ben; El, its not even 8am! I've had 1 coffee! You're going to have to be more specific! 
Ellie Jones; So moody! Can see why you and Ste have stayed mates for so long! Xx

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