Chapter Sixy-One.

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Waking up expecting to find Charlotte still curled up by his side, Ben noticed her side of the bed empty. Reaching his hand out, her side had gone cold, telling him she had been up a while. What also surprised him was the fact it was seven forty-five on Christmas morning and there were no signs to say Rosie was awake.

Stretching and letting out a yawn, he got up and went to see if her could find Charlotte. Opening their bedroom door, the smell of coffee hit his nose making him smile. As he past Rosie's room, he carefully looked around her door and found her fast asleep with Bonny lay next to her. As he made his way to the top of the stairs he heard a tap running in the bathroom. Opening the door he popped his head in side. "Morning beautiful. Happy..." His words halted as a rather pale Charlotte turned from the sink to look at him.

"I think you were right..." She sighed."I think it's some sort of stomach infection." She turned back to the sink and carried on brushing her teeth.

"You've been ok the past few days though..." He frowned as he came up behind her and gently massaged her shoulders.

"It's that or I've become intolerant to coffee." She muttered as she put her brush away and wiped her mouth with some tissue.

"Let's do process of elimination, stop the coffee again for a few days and see how it goes?" He turned her round to face him. "Promise though, that if you're still not right, when the surgery opens after Christmas break, that you'll book an appointment because it really needs looking in to Charl."

"Ooo, always know when you're being deadly serious, you don't call me Lottie or Lott." She smirked up at him, making him chuckle.

"I worry about you, that's all. Hate seeing you so poorly." He kissed her forehead. "You going to be ok going to your mum and dads for dinner?"

"I'll be fine. Feel better already. Happy Christmas by the way." She grinned and kissed his cheek. "Can you believe Rosie is still sleeping?"

"Nope." He laughed. "Let's go make breakfast and if she's still sleeping, we'll wake her."

"What do you fancy having?" She smiled as she kissed his cheek again, not wanting to risk giving him whatever it was she had.

"You..." He growled in her ear as he kissed her neck.

"Waffles and all the trimmings it is then!" She giggled and ran out of the bathroom.

As he ran out after her and they headed  downstairs, they heard "IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Followed by endless barking coming from Rosie's room and her door flew open!

"Waffles it is then." Ben whined making Charlotte laugh as they walked in to the kitchen.

"Mum?... Ben?... Hello?" Rosie called out when she couldn't find them in their room.

"Down here sweetheart." Ben shouted up to her as he opened the back door to take Bonny out as she bounded through the kitchen door at full speed.

"Waffles!" She squealed as she ran and skidded in the the kitchen. "Have you seen all the presents santa has brought mum?" She asked with big bright eyes.

"I did sweetie. Breakfast first though." She smiled at her as she started mixing the waffle batter.

"Morning sleepy head." Ben said as he came back in, shivering from being out in the cold. "Do you want to fill Bon's food bowl?"

"Yeah! Does she need water too?" She asked as she took the bag of food from the cupboard and headed to her food bowl. "Oh yes! You need water too! Water is good for you Bonbon." The young girl smiled as the now fully grown pup bounded over to her and tried eating the food as she poured it in the bowl. "Careful Bonny!" She scolded. "If we spill the bag again we'll be in trouble." She said as she moved herself between the dog and her breakfast.

Worth the waitTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon