8. Volleyball Game

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Nina's POV:

It's basketball today and I went to my school's gym to watch Star play. She wasn't playing for the first 10 mins and our school was doing pretty bad. But soon she was in and kept scoring points. She noticed me later and grinned at me. I grinned back giving her thumbs up while she nodded and focused on game.

Every one was on the edge of their seat because the game was going neck to neck. At 37-37 with 30 seconds left, the whole gym was filled with tension and the pressure was seen on the players' face. I held my hands together praying for our team to win. Especially for Star.

With 10 seconds left Star got the ball and shot it toward the hoop while a girl from the other team elbowed her. It was forceful enough to push Star to the ground but she scored. Everyone jumped up and cheered while I was only looking at her. I felt relieved when she managed to bounce up after realising that we won.

I made my way towards and hugged her and spun her around. With everyone chanting and shouting team's name and players' name I helped her get to the locker room.

When she laid on the bench with ice pack I noticed she had flat tummy. A few lower ribs were seen and I was immediately feeling concerned about her health. She blushed seeing me looking at her. I felt heat on my cheeks too but the skinny girl made me worry too much. I'm gonna make sure she eats properly from this day.

Later when we took selfie noticing a few wattpad books made me excited and curious. And when she said she supported LGBT I felt little more happy.

I was definitely surprised when she said she had a girlfriend, after the phone call. I couldn't help but wonder if it was her girlfriend that called her when she came over. We talked for a while and then we parted ways.

I went home and decided to workout a little and rest well since I had volleyball the next day. Hopefully we'll win too. I had good dinner and went to sleep.

The next day, match went real smooth. I was a bit nervous but it wasn't as hard as I expected. We won the toss and I was the first to serve. I spiked the ball as hard as I can and joined my teammates. The opponent team managed to hit it back with force but my teammates were better than they expected.

We kept scoring smoothly until they started to catch up. It angered me so every time I served, the ball was spiked with so much force I myself was surprised to see them unable to strike back. I smiled as I noticed Star from the corner of my eyes. I didn't look at her because I didn't want to get distracted.

Soon, we won the game. I felt happy though it was an easy game. Star hugged me as soon as the game got over and we ended up having a group hug by my teammates and few others.

I blushed when Star was praising me so much. But I was too happy to care. Later we were going out with my teammates and the basketball players too. I laughed when Star groaned at them for being so social. I chuckled and assured her that I would be by her side.

I felt the need to protect her whenever she felt unsafe though she had a girlfriend. I was a bit scared to ride the bike with her, but I trusted her so I agreed to ride with her.

Star's POV:

I was getting ready to watch Nina play today. I hope they win too.

I felt more comfortable around Nina since she now knows about my 'secret'. It wasn't awkward. She didn't raise annoying questions like other people. I like her for that. She's so perfect and knows what to say when. Me? I mess up everything that I'm surprised to have Jackie. I mean, we have a rocky relationship because we broke up twice before but we're fine now. Hopefully it'll be the same.

The gym was packed just like yesterday. I made it early so I can sit at the front and watch the game properly without people interrupting. Nina's friends were sitting on both side of me.

Soon the game started and the first to serve was Nina. They'd won the toss too. Perhaps it's a lucky year for our school. The game went real smooth with our team leading throughout the game. There were times when the opponent seemed to be gaining points but Nina and her teammates played hard.

They easily won the match. As the game ended, I ran up to Nina and hugged her. Everyone joined our hug and soon it was a group hug. I laughed and slipped out as it became difficult to breathe.

"You Nina play volleyball so good. You're such a talented person. You have great arm strength" I said her, smiling widely. She blushed a little and smiled "Says the star of basketball team. Oh wait, you are the Star." We both laughed like idiots. "Yo Nina! We've to go out and celebrate! The basketball team is coming too. Get ready we're leaving soon" her teammate said and went to the locker room.

"What? Again? My team went out yesterday! How are these people so social?" I groaned while Nina laughed. "Come on. I'll be with you this time. Let me just get changed" she said and ran to get showered and changed out of her jersey and shorts.

"Where are we going? I came here by my bike. I can take you with me or I can join you guys there" I said as she walked towards me with her bag. "I'll go with you. There's no space in their car and I don't want to be cramped up with so many people" Nina said and we walked out to the parking lot.

"Okay. Let's go. Hold on tight and tell me if you want to go slow okay?" I said, giving her my helmet. "Okay don't kill me please and don't you want the helmet?" she said as she sat behind me. I laughed and said "I'll try. Nah you wear it. It's important for you to wear it than me" I said revving my bike and started driving as she just nodded and out it on.

Nina's POV:

We were at the same diner the basketball players had gone the previous day. I sat with Star and my friends at a corner booth. We were talking about the game and random topics while Star just listened. She was still quiet but she didn't look uncomfortable. Maybe she's coming around to hanging out with us and that's a good thing.

We ate and joked. Star said a few jokes here and there and I was happy she was trying to get involved. I still had my arm around her and she was comfortably leaning into me. We didn't look weird so no one questioned anything.

"Are you single Star?" George asked out of nowhere. The other teammates were nodding and looked eager. She was taken back by that question and I was too. "Yes I'm single" she lied. I smiled at her letting her know that I understood why she lied. She smiled back. "Well, if someone asked you out.. would you consider it?" He asked her. I knew what he was trying to do so I gave my glare.

"Uh.. no. I don't want to date anyone now and who's going to be interested in me" she said laughing awkwardly. 'I am' I thought but was surprised to think like that. I shook it off and changed the subject immediately. I can say she was glad about the change of topic. We spent more time and then we parted ways.

"Thanks for playing along" Star said when we were left alone. "Star, it's no big deal. I understand why you lied okay? As I said, I'll be by your side" I said smiling. "Thank you. You're an angel. I'll drop you home" she said and we were going to my home on her bike.

"Nina? Check your Instagram requests. I sent you request long back.." she said while turning the bike around to go back. "Oh my god! I'm so so sorry Star. I got notification but I forgot to check it again. I'll do it right away" I said, taking my mobile out and immediately accepted her request, giving one back. "Yeah I know about your bad memory. See you!" She giggled and rode off. I shook my head smiling sheepishly and went inside.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Vote and comment guys.

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