16. The fight

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A/N: get ready for some drama. ;)  Trigger warning for violence and discriminating slurs (d-word)

Nina's POV:

I've successfully ignored Star for almost the entire month. It hurt to see her look so lifeless but I couldn't do anything. I wanted to talk to her but what if she's angry? Worse, what if she hates me now? I sighed and put my head on the table, drowning out the noise from everyone else in the cafeteria.

"What's wrong Nina?"

Jocelyn's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Huh? What do you mean? I'm fine" I lied. She sighed shaking her head. "You're doing it again. Shutting everyone out. I've been keeping quiet for all these weeks. It's not healthy honey. Talk to me" she reasoned trying to make me talk. I couldn't bring myself to tell her, consoling myself it's because I don't want to out Star.

"It's nothing. Just school is tiring me out. I'm sorry" I mumbled and walked away as it was close to the end of lunch. As I walking out the doors I ran into Star. She looked down and tried to get past me. "Won't you talk to me?" I asked in a small voice. I had replied 2 days ago to the message she sent me 4 days ago but she hadn't read it. "I- I thought you didn't want to. Plus I was scared" she replied looking embarrassed.

"Why? Do I look scary?" I chuckled at her making her shrug. The bell rang signalling us to get back to class. "I've got to go to class. See you around?" I asked while she smiled and nodded her head before parting ways. I felt better. Just talking to her made me feel better and I didn't like it. Maybe I'm just imagining things. Maybe I'm mistaking the relief that she wasn't angry to the warm feeling in my heart. God this is stupid. Shaking my head I went to class.

After school I waved her goodbye and went home feeling happier than I was in the past few weeks. We were doing fine, talking and chatting. Not as much as we used to but it was something.

But it changed once again after a few months. My relationship changed not only with Star, but every other friend I had. It was all because of Daniella, my middle school enemy.

She transferred to this school because 'there was a fire accident in her old school and the damage was too much they had to move the students to other schools'. Of all other school around she had to join the one I'm in.

"Hey there Nina. Fancy seeing you here" the fake sweet voice was heard. Leaning against the nearby locker stood Daniella with the same smirk on her face. I ignored her and shut my locker to go to class. There were few students around and they were all rushing too.

"I was talking to you sweetheart. Ignoring is rude you know?" She said following me. Please don't be in the same class as I, I begged in my mind and thankfully she wasn't. "See you soon" she walked away, making me let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding in. This was going to be a long day.

Star's POV:

Something wasn't right. I hate it when my intuition is right. Nina had started to distance herself from everyone. Her smile wasn't real anymore, her body language was so guarded. It was like she was trying to protect herself and so I decided to find out what it was. There was this new girl Daniella from whom I was getting weird vibes. I've seen her talk to Nina but it was one sided conversation. After watching for about one week, I was sure this girl was troubling Nina.

So I decided to talk with her and find out how she knows Nina. It was easy to talk because we got paired during computers. I wasn't one to judge anyone immediately but I got very bad feeling about her.

"So I heard you're friends with Nina, is that true?" She asked in a quiet voice while working on her laptop. We were currently at computer class. I nodded my head. "How do you know her?" I asked, curious to know.

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