24. Oh look who made an appearance

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A/N: trigger warning for violence later in the chapter

Star's POV:

It's been more than 3 months since Nina and I have started dating. April 27th, the day we made it official. It's July 30 now. We've been going on date every 2 weeks to avoid suspicion from either of our parents and so far we've been good at hiding it by going in double dates with Jake and Jocelyn sometimes. According to others, it's friends hanging out with a couple. To us it's double date.

I've managed to hang out with Lindsay and Allen twice. Once alone and once with Nina along. They've come to accept my relationship and the girl I'm in love with as time went.

I was one happy woman with a beautiful girlfriend and a hopefully good future waiting ahead. It wasn't easy to get into NYU. With my scores being low and not taking art in junior and senior it was a tough race. Thankfully one of the accepted students had dropped off last minute giving me the chance to get in. No one but my parents and I know. It was embarrassing to be honest. But well last minute luck.

I'm currently sitting on my bed scrolling through Tumblr wondering about my girlfriend. Speak of the devil.

Baby❤️✨: you busy?

Me: no why

Baby❤️✨: come over?

Me: 15 mins. I'll be there 🏃🏻‍♀️

I quickly made my way downstairs and put my shoes on. "Mom I'm going over to Nina's"

"Drop your sister off at Jake's? I'll be late tonight. Important meeting. Drive slow and safe please" she said before rushing out the front door.

"Hey baby demon! Come on!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Heavy footsteps were heard as she padded down the stairs fast and ran towards me. She jumped into my arms and I luckily caught her. "I'm not a baby you idiot!"

"Oof!" I groaned and steadied myself before letting her down.

She laughed before grabbing my bike keys and running out.

"Sierra no!" I quickly locked the door and ran to the driveway to stop her from starting the engine.

"Why won't you let me start?" She pouted.

"Because the last time I let you in the garage, you lurched and fell off as the bike front crashed into the garage door. Thankfully it was closed. Or else who knows what would've happened" I sternly reminded her before hopping on and driving off.

I dropped her off at Jake's, talked a bit with Dinah before heading off to Nina's. The kid misses me too much and I saw her 2 days ago.

As I was driving there was a loud pop sound and my bike started to wobble. I steadied it and pulled the brakes. Parking by the pavement I got down to see a flat tire. Great. Probably some really sharp rock or glass tore the tire up.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Pushing my bike I found a mechanic shop nearby and dropped it off to get the tire changed.

Guess I should just walk since it was just a few blocks. Might as well save money and protect earth from pollution.

I didn't have a jacket on. Just a thin T shirt and some jeans with my running shoes. With hands stuffed in my jean pockets I walked as fast as my legs took me. Good thing I'm a speed walker.


As I kept walking I heard a scream. Startled I looked around to see where it came from. Another scream and a smack sound let me know that it was coming from an alleyway few feet ahead of me.

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