9. Wow what a surprise

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Star's POV:

The week went quite uneventful. It's Saturday evening, I was supposed to be out on a date with Jackie for a movie and she won't pick my calls.

Wifey:(4:56 pm): I'm getting ready now

Wifey(5:10 pm): I'm ready when are you coming?

Wifey(5:30 pm): hey wth are you? It's our date tonight did you forget?

Wifey(5:45 pm): Jackie respond please

It's been an hour since that message I sent and no reply. She hasn't even read it.

It's been a few hours. I gave up on waiting for her and took a nap.

Duck (10:08 pm): hey baby I'm sry I'm got quite busy... can I come over tmrw? Pls? It's important

I woke up at around 10:30 ish because I got hungry. I took my mobile to check for any notification and I read her message. 'What the fuck' I thought but quickly replied a "k"  and went downstairs to get something to eat.

She's been a little distant since last date and it's worrying me too much. Maybe I'm just overthinking. What if something bad happens? Like someone had found out and is threatening her? Oh my god no... My brain started getting fuzzy with too much thoughts so I decided to watch movie until I pass out.

The next morning...

"Wake up sleepyhead I'm here" said a voice, sitting on top of me while shaking me. "Ugh 5 mins" I said pulling the blanket over my head only to get it snatched away. "What the fuck I can't even sleep in on Sunday?" I said feeling a little agitated. "Sorry princess breakfast time" she said pulling me up off the bed.

Rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes, I went to brush my teeth and went downstairs for breakfast. We finished it up quickly and we're back in my room. "What is it?" I asked bluntly with a plain expression.

"Alright... uh... Don't jump at me, please hear me out" she said looking down at the floor. I just nodded at her, waiting for her to speak. "So, I'm sorry about the date. I uh we had a party at one of my friend's house and I got dragged there. They wouldn't allow me to message you and I can't tell them that I need to text my girlfriend" she said looking everywhere but my eyes.
I didn't say anything so she continued. "I shouldn't have did it but uh.. I.. I cheated on you baby.. I'm so so sor-" she couldn't finish because I slapped her face. Not too hard but hard enough. She looked stunned but I wasn't.

"I saw that coming. Were you drunk?" I asked her with my arms crossed across my chest. "No. No I wasn't drunk I wouldn't be that stupid" she said rubbing her cheeks. "Yeah but stupid enough to cheat on me. Who did you cheat on with? It's Rachel isn't it?" I asked with venom dripping in my voice. She looked startled and that confirmed it. "H-How did you.." she trailed off. "Oh please I know you're close with her and I've seen you flirt with her before when I came to your college once. Remember? So yeah" I replied. "Anyways, one time thing or..?" I trailed off looking at her.

I'm so awfully calm and I'm surprised myself. But that changed. "No. For about a month.." she said looking down. That set me off. "What the fuck Jackie?! You've been cheating on me for one month?! One whole month and I didn't know it! I should've saw the signs before. I trusted you, you fucking bitch!" I yelled at her while gripping her shirt collars.

Thankfully my family is out somewhere. "I'm sorry..." she said but that only fueled my anger more. "Your shitty sorry doesn't cut it Jackie! Get out of my sight! GET OUT!" I yelled at her with tears streaming down my cheeks. I was enraged at her and also myself. She quickly scurried out my house and drove off.

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