35. Karaoke

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Star's POV:

It was Christmas break and Jake was taking us all to a karaoke bar. Lindsay was in the backseat while I occupied the passenger as Jake drove. We were dancing in our seats and laughing, making it difficult for the boy the drive in the traffic.

Soon we had to end our goofy behaviour as he parked the car.

"Nina!" The Latina zoomed past me to hug my girlfriend. They've both become best friends and often team up against me. I rolled my eyes before pushing her off my girl and dragged them both inside. Jake, Jocelyn and Jane shook their heads following us.

The place was a bit crowded with people ranging from teenagers like us to senior citizens. One bunch of guys were currently singing a bit awful (probably cuz they're drunk af) to songs by One Republic and others I didn't recognize.

Sliding into one of the free booths, we ordered hot chocolate and waited for our turn.

The others were talking animatedly about one of the series on Netflix while I just quietly admired my girlfriend with smile on my face. She's so beautiful.

"I can feel you staring Star" she whispered.

"Well sorry but I can't stop. You're so beautiful" I flirted. She smiled bashfully and cast her eyes down to avoid my gaze. I quickly kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand.

"It's our turn!" Jane announced before grabbing Jocelyn up with her to the small stage up front. They sang cheesy romantic songs and Jocelyn dedicated one for Jake who blushed profusely making us laugh at his embarrassment. But we knew he was enjoying this very much. Never would've thought my stupid cousin Jake will fall in love. I smiled and squeezed his hand to let him know I was happy for him. He smiled back in understanding.

They all took their turns pairing up with one another while I waited to be the last. Jake definitely surprised us by rapping to a few of Drake's. I had a song in my mind and I wanted to sing only that. Taking Lindsay's hand I went up.

"Go Star!" "Yess you can do it!" "Whoo!!" I heard the others cheer and I smiled, a little embarrassed but glad for their support. Regardless I took the mic and nodded at Lindsay before the music started.

I found myself dreaming
In silver and gold
Like a scene from a movie
That every broken heart knows

We were walking on moonlight
And you pulled me close
Split second and you disappeared
And then I was all alone

I woke up in tears
With you by my side
A breath of relief
And I realized
No, we're not promised tomorrow

I saw my friends and Nina watch us both intently. I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued.

So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
And I'm gonna hold you like I'm saying goodbye
Wherever we're standing
I won't take you for granted
'Cause we'll never know when, when we'll run out of time

So I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

By now every single person in the bar was looking at us. Some were swaying along to the music. I felt my heart beat faster as each second passed. Tears slightly pricked my eyes and I could make out Nina looking at me with a look. So many emotions in her eyes. It was clear. Confusion, pain, fear, surprise and love. Confusion because she couldn't decipher why I chose this song. Pain and fear because I was almost crying. Surprise because she finally understood why. I smiled briefly before as we kept our eye contact.

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