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First day on the job...

You got this Y/N!

You look in the dirty mirror of your apartment and smile at your own reflection, Yoongi's words from the night before fueling your newfound confidence.

He said I was perfect for the job...

Min Yoongi said something about me was perfect.

Quickly grabbing your purse you keep your head down as you walk down the mildewed warped stairs, the many men passing you and giving you smirks.

"Hey where's a pretty girl like you going?"

You ignore their hoots and hollers while picking up your pace, a breath of relief leaving your chest as you look over at the old woman.

"You better get me my rent girl or you can sleep out on the street."

"The street would be more welcoming than this place, I'll get you your rent."

The woman laughs at your snide comeback while nodding, her cigarette smoke filling the lobby of the building.

"You've really grown living here new girl, you were a scared rat when you first arrived now you have audacity to talk back. I respect that."

You give the woman a smile and bow before walking out the door, a black SUV sitting outside catching your attention.

"Miss Y/N?"


"I am here to pick you up, please enter the car quickly. It is for Mr. M."



You give him a bow and quickly climb up into the tall vehicle, your eyes gazing around at the expensive interior.

Why do all rich people have a black SUV?

Even Ryun had one of these we rode in.

Your mood slightly sours at the memory of riding everywhere with Ryun, the thought of pencil skirts making you internally groan.

Why did I ever put up with that.

I was so blinded thinking he actually loved me that I allowed him to completely change me.

Oh well...

This is the beginning of my new life.

I can take care of a child just fine.

Once you arrive at the expensive apartment building you give the driver a bow, his smile slightly forced.

Yeah...I wouldn't have wanted to drive to the fourth district either.

Quickly making your way to the elevator you suddenly feel a pang of anxiety, your hands shaking on your purse strap you're holding.

Don't worry....it's just like yesterday.

You'll be fine.

What if something happens to her when Yoongi isn't there?

Oh god.

Before you can get yourself all worked up you exit the elevator and knock on the door, your heart slamming in your chest when he opens the door.

"Goodmorning Y/N."


The second Maki turns her head and looks at you her arms reach for you, her tiny voice a soft whimper.


"Oh..you want me?.."

She wriggles out of Yoongi's arms and wraps her chubby baby arms around your neck as far as they can, her face burrowing into your neck.

"I just got her up...she hasn't had a bath or anything yet...we aren't used to getting up this early in the morning."


"I left my number on the fridge just in case and Maki has all her bottles and stuff in the cabinet. Since we got up so early she'll probably want lunch around noon or so..."

You can see the obvious anxiety all over Yoongi as he plays with his fingers, his eyes never leaving Maki's tiny body.

Poor Yoongi...

"Um...don't open the windows or anything please...I know that's a lot to ask but...I don't want the media or anything to see..."

"Okay, I understand. I wouldn't want my baby to be in the limelight either if I had one."


"Oh Yeah. That just opens you up to so much...it's easier to wait until she gets a safer age and until you're ready for it."

The room goes silent for a moment as Yoongi gives you a smile, your heartrate speeding up.

His smile is so nice...

"Um...if...if you need anything...please call...I'll answer immediately..."

"I promise I will, I'll send you an update every hour if that would make you feel better."

"Really? You would do that?"

You nod softly and rub Maki's back as she nuzzles deeper into your embrace, her tiny heartbeat pulsing against your chest.

"Of course I will. You've been with Maki everyday for seven months...I know you're probably anxious.."

"Thank you Y/N. Really. I appreciate this."

"Has she been feeling better today at all?"

"Actually yeah...after she fell asleep last night she slept the whole night and hasn't gotten sick once...I don't know what was in that drink but it like healed her."

"It was just to calm the belly pain and the nausea to be honest...but I'm happy she's doing better."

Yoongi nods and makes his way over to the side of the couch where he tugs a pink box off of the floor onto the cushion.

"All of her diapers and wipes are in here by the way, I keep them in this box since it's sanitary."

"I would've looked for those for an hour before thinking to look in the box so thank you."

Yoongi laughs softly and sets the box back down before opening the door to the second bedroom, your eyes widening at all the beautiful baby furniture and decorations.


"Her changing table and everything is in here...but honestly she loves when I lay her blanket on the living room floor....everything else you would need will be in here, she sleeps in my room with me but she will sleep in here if it's nap time."

"Okay...wow this baby room is beautiful..."

"Thanks...Taehyung and Jungkook bought all of it for her. She's spoiled by her uncles."

That is...so sweet...

"Alright....I'm going to head to the company...I don't want to be late.."

Your heart flutters when Yoongi walks up to you and places a kiss on Maki's cheek, his eyes glittering with love when he looks at her.

"Pa will be back before dinnertime Maki, I love you."

When Yoongi turns and walks towards the door Maki lifts her head up and turns towards it, her eyes following him until he opens it.

"I'll be back at four o'clock..."

"Alright, we'll be here."

Yoongi hesitantly nods and slowly closes the door as Maki watches, her eyes growing wide when the door is completely shut.


You turn and look at Maki with a smile, it quickly fading when she still stares at the door and whimpers before breaking out in a loud scream.

Oh shit-

(A/N): :)

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