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Oh my god.....

In the silent room you timidly walk over to the screaming baby and pick her up out of Yoongi's arms, his expression completely white and slightly panicked.

What is he thinking...

Maki grabs your sweater and tenderly presses her face into your shoulder while letting out small whimpers, your hand gently patting her back.

Oh no what do I say, everyone is staring at me.

"U-Um....I-It's probably just because I call her Maki all the time...s-she must just be...using that..."

Nobody buys your story and simply continues to stay silent as Yoongi stands up and looks at you, his eyes turned down in a doe like expression.

"That's...that's her second word...."

His gaze bores deep into your own as you simply swallow hard and keep patting Maki's back, her head turning so she faces your neck.


Oh my god.

I'm going to cry.

You can feel tears welling in your eyes before you step back from Yoongi's gaze and clear your throat, your legs shaking like a leaf underneath of you.

"I'm going to go check her diaper.."

"Yeah yeah...go ahead..."

I can't do this.

I'm so overwhelmed.

Did she...

Did she really just practically call me mama?


(Yoongi's POV)


No way.

Maki just...

Yoongi watches in shock as Y/N quickly takes off into the bedroom and shuts the door, his entire body suddenly weighed down with emotions.


"She...called her Ma."

Yoongi quietly sits down on his couch and feels different emotions bubbling up, causing acid reflux to burn at his throat.

"L-Like Y/N said! Maybe she's just copying her own name-"

"She wouldn't copy her own name if she was calling Y/N Jimin. She calls me Pa, and she just looked at Y/N and called her Ma."

Yoongi watches the group fall silent and avoid his gaze as he stares at the door with tears in his eyes, his heart suddenly tugging with a feeling of longing.

Her second word...

The first time she said Ma...it wasn't with you Nanami...why...why am I so sad...

"Hey Um...guys...why don't we call it a night yeah?..."

Yoongi can't even turn to look at his brothers standing behind him, but he hears them whisper among each other and begin making their way quietly out the door.

"Hyung...I can drive Y/N home if you want-"

"No Jimin. I'll see to it she gets home."

"Alright Hyung...goodnight..."

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