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(Yoongi's POV)


The second Yoongi enters the apartment and meets Y/N's beautiful gaze filling with concern the second her eyes lay on him, her shriek of shock only making his guilt deepen.

What is she going to say when she finds out?...

Do I lie?

No...nothing good ever comes from a lie...

But when she asks why I got in a fight..I'll have to answer her....what do I say?...

Looking down at the floor his sore cheek burns with heat when Y/N scampers over to him and places her hands on his face, his eyes forced back up to look into her dainty gaze.

"Yoongi...what happened?..."

Trying hard not to burst into tears in front of the woman making his heart skip beats he simply turns away from her and shrugs his shoulders with a breathy sigh.

"I...I got in a fight."

"What?! Did someone mug you?! Are you alright?!"

Hearing the deep concern laced in her honey sweet tone Yoongi shakes his head and bites the inside of his lip to keep it from shaking, his fingers tenderly playing with the hem of his jeans.

"N-No...it was with one of the guys actually..."

At the mention of the others Yoongi watches her expression soften and she simply nods, her petite hand reaching out to clasp around his fingers.

"Alright then, sit down."

Watching Y/N pull out a chair Yoongi quickly sits down and sighs with relief when his knees finally stop shaking from adrenaline, his fingers nervously tapping on his thigh.

"I'll be right back."

Seeing her form disappear into the bathroom Yoongi takes a moment to lean back and stare up at the ceiling as self loathing thoughts fill his mind, the lump forming in his throat overcoming the pain in his heart.

How am I going to fix this.

I can't fix this.

I hurt my brother.

I hurt my friend.

"Look at me."

Leaning his head forward Yoongi looks up at Y/N who opens the first aid kit and pulls out a small rag, her body moving closer to his to inspect his wound.

"Yeah...the corner of your mouth is busted open...okay we'll get it cleaned up."

Yoongi tries hard to focus on the words coming out of her mouth but his thoughts are clouded with the sweet aroma of her body close to his, his heart erratically slamming in his chest when her free hand moves forward to tenderly grasp his jaw.

"Hold still, this will burn a little bit."

Flicking his eyes over to watch her hand he lets out a soft hiss from the burning sensation that takes over his wound, her tiny jump making a spark of playfulness appear in her eyes.

"I told you to hold still mister."

Yoongi's eyes follow Y/N's body when she bends down and examines around his jaw to make sure he has no more injuries, his heart about to pop out of his chest feeling her grip on his jaw.

Her hands are so soft...

"Who did you get in a fight with?"

Oh no...

Yoongi tries to swallow the lump reforming in his throat as he looks away from her questioning gaze and exhales a deep sigh.


"Mm...I see."

Expanding his lungs in a painful deep breath Yoongi watches her grab a tube and put a little bit of the gel solution on her pointer finger, his eyes growing into round orbs when she leans down in front of him again.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Silently shaking his head his entire body suddenly fills with shocks when she leans forward and swipes her finger tenderly across his would, his eyes lightly fluttering at the wonderful warmth that blooms in his heart.


"That should help with the pain a little bit..."

After she puts all the items back in the plastic case and places the first aid kit back in the bathroom she returns to the kitchen and lifts Maki out of her high chair, an odd emotion swirling around in her sparkling eyes.

"What do you want for dinner?"

Wait...she isn't going to ask what we fought about?

Dumbstruck, Yoongi rubs the back of his neck and stands up from the chair as he looks down at Y/N, his speech suddenly leaving his throat.

"Uh...I Uh..uh..."

Get it together Yoongi!

"Um...wh-whatever....whatever you want to make..."

What the hell I can't talk.

"Okay, let me go lay Maki down and I'll be right out."

She...she's looking at me weird....

Returning to the kitchen Y/N begins pulling out ingredients and laying them on the counter as Yoongi plays with the sleeves of his flannel and watches her in amazement, her playful eyes cutting over to inspect him.

"Want to help?"

"U-Uh yeah..."

Quickly padding over to the counter Yoongi washes his hands and watches Y/N place some vegetables in front of him with a knife to cut them, his eyes barely able to focus on the task she's giving him.

"Cut these into little pieces."

"What are we making?"

"Chicken soup since your mouth is hurting, it's the best food for healing."

Pretty sure you did some good healing with whatever you put on my lip.

With a quiet nod Yoongi begins cutting the vegetables in the subtle silence that fills the room, his eyes stealing small glances her way.

She looks so pretty today...

Well...she looks pretty everyday...

"I heard the song."

Oh shit-

Yoongi drops the knife onto the counter and jumps at the noise as he quickly looks over at Y/N and watches the small smile stretch across her delicate cheeks.

"I liked it."

"Y-You did?.."


"L-Look Y/N-ah I know I used your lullaby you sang but it just fit so well and I was going to tell you about it before the release then all of this happened and I couldn't-"


His eyes flick up to gaze at Y/N again as she reaches out and tenderly rubs his arm with her delicate fingers, her gaze warm and swirling with different emotions.

"I loved it."

Suddenly it seems all the negative emotions are eradicated when he hears the words leave her lips, his own twitching with a light smile.

"I-Is that so..."

"I think the song is beautiful actually."

When she looks away and focuses back on her task Yoongi gazes down at the vegetables and scrunches his toes as happiness courses through his every vain and warms his entire body, his mouth stretching up in a wide smile.

Not as beautiful as you.

(A/N): See Haru this is why your stories are so long YOU CANT FIT IT ALL IN A THOUSAND WORD CHAPTER

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