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[Final Chapter: Yoongi's POV]


Stepping in the front door of their house with his new baby's car seat clutched safely in his hand Yoongi's eyes widen when he sees all his brothers standing in their kitchen, blue balloons and party streamers strung around every inch of the house.


"We wanted to throw Noona a baby shower since she didn't get one! So we set all of this up for when you guys got here!"

Gazing over at his wife and watches a bright smile stretch across her beautiful cheeks a warm feeling courses through Yoongi's body and settles his uneasy heart threaded with nerves of a new baby.

They...set up a baby shower...

"There's presents and everything! We even made you all a cake!"


Interrupting the room Yoongi watches Maki spring from Y/N's arms and make her way over to Jungkook who welcomes her into his embrace, his cheeks turning pink when she gives him a little butterfly kiss with her tiny nose.

"I missed you Unca Koo! I saw Tokyoyo!"


"Yeah! That's whewe my bwothew came fwom!"

"Wow Maki, I've never been to Tokyoyo before."

"Well then you gotta go thewe Unca Koo."

"Come on! Let's meet our new nephew shall we!"

Making his way into the living room and setting his sons car seat on the coffee table he watches Y/N pull out the little bundle and hold him up for his brothers to see, all of their eyes sparkling with newfound love and joy.

"Aw.....he's so cute!"

"Wah! I never thought I would see a man more handsome than me!"

"His feet are so small...."

"Long legs! Maybe he'll be a dancer like his Uncle Hobi."

"Psh. He'll end up a model like his Uncle Tae."

Snaking his arm around Y/N's waist and watching the proud look spread all over her beautiful face he softly leans his head on her shoulder and decides to stay quiet and just watch her, every little move she makes sending his stomach into a fit of butterflies.

"We're going to call him Haji....his name is Hajimari."

"Oh? So you kept it Japanese?"

"Mhm. Kind of like Maki...we wanted to keep him with his culture..."

"Maki and Haji...I like it!"

"Wight Unca Koo? His name sounds like mine!"

The entire rooms falls into soft giggles at Maki's response until Yoongi looks down and sees his new son's eyes begin to open, thick dark eyelashes feathering open to gaze at the new world in front of him.

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