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"Looks like it's gonna storm tomorrow..."

Sitting on the couch with Maki in your arms with her back against your propped up knees you look over at Yoongi who has his cheek rested against his hand, his mood since the boys were over earlier seeming to get more gloomy as the night goes on.

"It's gonna storm?"



"Make sure to take an umbrella tomorrow."

You slightly jump with how flat his tone is as he sits the remote down on the coffee table and pulls out his computer, his kitten like lips pushed out in a soft pout.

"Ah....yeah...do you need me to grab anything tomorrow while I'm out?.."

Okay so he obviously knows I'm going out tomorrow...but why is he acting so strange?

"Maki's almost out of her ice creams..."

"Wait how many of those have you given her?"

"It's the only way I can make up for when I have to do something now, I'm almost at Jungkook's stand point."

"Why does she hate him so much?"

"Ah..it's kind of a funny story."


"Yeah, so when Maki was really little probably like three months old Jungkook was over when I was feeding her, and he tried to play a joke on her by pretending he ate her food that I was feeding her and ever since then, she's hated him."

"Wait really?!"

"Yeah, it's hilarious she still hasn't let it go, he's tried everything. He's bought her expensive food and plushies and everything under the sun and yet, she still gives him that same scowl."

That's so funny.

You shyly let out a soft giggle and poke Maki's tummy as she flings her cute bunny around, her mouth pressing against your cheek to give you a drool filled kiss.


"Yes Maki Ma is right."

"So um...where...where are you going tomorrow?..."

You look up at Yoongi again and see his head laying against the soft beige back of the futon, his eyes gazing at you with an odd longing expression.

"Apparently some aquarium is opening up and he wants me to go with him...he seemed so adamant about it being fun and Maki was covered so I agreed. I wonder if they'll have a gift shop."

"A gift shop?"

"Mhm. If they have one I want to buy gifts in it."

"Gifts for who?"

All you give Yoongi is a wide smile and watch his entire face turn pink with a blush, his cheeks puffing up with air as he fights his own smile.

"I thought you were saving up?"

"I can save up and buy gifts at the same time! Buying ahead is actually a very smart choice you know."

"Ah...so we're being frugal AND spontaneous at the same time?"

You nod softly and pat Maki's tummy as she begins to fall asleep on your chest, her tiny fingers gripping the material of your tshirt.

"Do you have an umbrella I could borrow?"

"Mhm. It's always by the front door if you need it. I'm not going anywhere tomorrow."


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