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{Y/N's POV}

"Oh Maki, I cannot wait to show your Appa what I taught you!"

Picking the happy baby up on your arms you shower her cheeks with multiple kisses as she squeals and places her chubby hands on your neck.




Walking into the kitchen you open up the fridge and bend down while gazing at all the food placed in it, a soft sigh escaping your lips.

I told Yoongi I would make something simple...I don't have to go all out since he isn't here...

I'm kind of bummed...I love making him meals...

You suddenly stand up with a confused expression when you hear a soft knock at the door, your feet carrying you softly to the door.

"Who is it?.."

"It's Jimin."



Quickly opening up the apartment door you look up at Jimin who gazes at you warmly and holds up a brown bag, his presence making Maki let out a small huff.

"Care for a snack?"

"Jimin....shouldn't you be out with the others? Yoongi said you were all going out to celebrate?"

"Ah...I just didn't really feel like celebrating...I wanted to celebrate with you and Maki instead."

That makes no sense at all..

"Um...well come in I guess..."


You look over at Maki and watch her bury her face into your neck and let out a frustrated sigh, your arms placing her securely in her bouncy seat.

"I'm just wondering why-"

When you turn around you jump slightly when you see Jimin standing right in front of you with the bag, an odd emotion swirling around in his almond colored eyes.


"Jimin, I figured you'd be here."

Your entire body is suddenly washed with relief when you look over and see Yoongi walk in the door, his agitated expression making you feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Yoongi Hyung? What are you doing here?"

"Well it is MY house."



You quickly press Maki's binky in her mouth and step away from Jimin, the entire room growing uncomfortable when Yoongi walks over and looks at Jimin.

"I thought you said you didn't feel like celebrating?"

"I didn't. I wanted to surprise Maki and Y/N with some treats."

"Is that so? So if you open that bag there's something for Maki in it?"

You watch Jimin grow extremely agitated as he turns to face Yoongi with a small chuckle, his eyes boring into his older brothers face.

"I don't think that's any of your business Hyung. Y/N-ah, I wanted to ask you something before I left."

Oh no.

I don't want any part of this.

"U-Um well..."

"Do you have any plans this Sunday? If not-"

"Actually Jimin I was about to ask Y/N if she wanted to do something Sunday, I haven't had a day off in weeks because of this song."

What....is....going on....

The two men go silent for a few moments before Jimin turns to you and sets the sweets in your hands, a small sigh escaping into the room from his plump lips.

"I would like to invite you over to my house this Sunday Y/N-ah to watch a movie with me, I know you probably wouldn't like going to the movies so I'm going to buy it. Kind of a home theatre kind of thing."

Your eyes quickly dart between Yoongi and Jimin as the two men are now staring you down, your teeth beginning to bite the inside of your lip nervously.

"U-Um...I-I don't know...h-how about I just send you a text! When I know more..."

What has gotten into them?

"Mmm...alright then..guess I'll be seeing you."

Without another word Jimin takes off out the front door of the apartment and Yoongi shuts it before his exhaustion takes over again and his shoulders slightly fall.

"Um...is everything alright Yoongi?..."

"Hmm? Oh yeah! Yeah it's no problem Jimin is just acting odd lately..."

"Did you eat at the restaurant?..."

"No I told the guys I was too tired to go out and celebrate...I need to do it on a day where I don't feel like death."

Now I can cook dinner!

"Okay...what would you- oh wait! I want to show you something I taught Maki today!"

Quickly grabbing Yoongi's hand and tugging him over to where Maki is sitting in her bouncy seat you sit down and pull Yoongi with you, his entire face red with a blush.


"Just wait. Okay, look at me Maki!"

Watching the small baby look forward at you with a smile on her face you tenderly now your head down quickly and gaze over at Yoongi who watches you both, a warm expression taking over the embarrassed one from earlier.

Come on Maki...do it just like we practiced...

A wide smile spills across your cheeks when you watch Maki nod her head and happily cackle, a small gasp coming from Yoongi's direction.

"You taught her to bow...how did you do that?"

"Well...today when I was cleaning I sat Maki down in the bathroom sink so she could watch me and I was nodding my head along to one of your songs and I saw her trying to copy me...so nothing else got cleaned today because I wanted to teach her that..."

Looking over at Yoongi you watch an odd expression cross his face before he scoots beside you and bows his head, his gummy smile on full display in front of his daughter.

"Maki, can you do it for Appa?"


"Yes, just one more time!"

Turning the bouncy seat so Maki is facing Yoongi you watch her again bow her head and let out a loud squeal, her hands gripping the material of her onesie.

She did it again!

"Wow this...this is amazing! Y/N you did such a great job!"

Your heart swells with pride watching Yoongi and Maki bowing back and forth at eachother as they exchange giggles, your hand moving up to rest on your cheek.

They're so precious together...

You can definitely tell they're father and daughter.

(A/N): 👀👀👀👀👀

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