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"Okay Maki, time to wake up from your nap-"

As you pick Maki up off of the ground you hear a soft knock at the door and smile, your heart beginning to beat a little quicker.

Who could it be?

Swinging open the door you look up at the doe eyes boy standing in front of you with a wide bunny smile, his hand holding up a bag of sweets.

"Don't worry, Yoongi Hyung knows I'm stopping by. I figured it would be okay if you wanted to share a sweet and a coffee with me?"

Letting out a soft chuckle you move to the side and allow him to enter the apartment as Maki sleepily coos and gives the boy soft glares, her hands gripping your sweater.

"I brought Maki a frozen yogurt since she can't have a cake yet. Honestly I'm hoping it'll make her like me more."

You set Maki in her high chair and smooth her hair down before sitting at one of the chairs and Jungkook sits beside you while pulling all the sweets out and laying them on the table.

"You can have whatever kind you want Noona."

"You bought so many..."

"I didn't know which kind you liked, so I bought one of everything in the bakery."


Giving him a soft giggle you nod and grab one of the sweets, Jungkook's eyes gazing at you with a bright smile.

"That kind is my favorite."

"Really? Me too."


"Okay Maki hold on."

Grabbing the frozen yogurt you grab the little plastic spoon and begin giving her bites of the cold treat, her eyes brightening up as she begins waving her arms.


"You're really good with her Noona."

"A-Ah...thank you...Jungkook.."

"Noona, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, go ahead."

"Are you...are you happy?"

Glancing over at the young boy you chuckle and give Maki another bite, your cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

"I'm getting there."

"Are those people bullying you? Like are you okay?"

Oh dear...

"I um...I'm fine Jungkook really...."

"You spend so many hours here Noona, I hope you have a life outside of these walls.."

"Not really. I'm working towards getting a better apartment one day...so working these hours is fine for me..there isn't very much I need to spend money on anyway."

"Do you need some help getting an apartment Noona?"

"N-No! No...I want to work hard for it...when I do get a better place to live I want it to be all on my own."

"Mmmm...I understand that, kind of like when I write a song and it's all my own on an album, I feel so good when I see people reacting to it, I get to know the whole time it's all mine."

"Exactly! I feel the same way!"

You and Jungkook fall into soft giggles and he carefully grabs your phone off of the table and begins typing in it, his eyes glancing over at you.

"I put my number in your phone Noona, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call alright?"

"Alright Jungkook. Thank you."

He's different than Jimin is...he doesn't seem like he's trying to get into my pants.

He's...acting...like a friend I think...

"I have to go back to the studio now, but go ahead and keep these sweets here for you. You look pretty with some weight on you."

Your entire face erupts in a heavy blush when he stands up and pulls you into a light hug, every nerve in your body suddenly on fire.

"Have a good night Noona!"

"Y-You too J-Jungkook..."

I...I got a real hug....

From a person....

When Jungkook walks out the door you brush your fingers through Maki's soft black hair and pick her up out of the high chair as she coos happily, her head burying into your shoulder.


"What is it Maki?"

The baby lets out a staggering whine before pressing on her cheeks and whimpers, her eyes beginning to fill with tears.

"Oh...poor baby...are you teething again?"

You quickly run to the freezer and pull out the little binky style object with frozen bananas in the netted part.

I was prepared this time.

I remembered to put the bananas in the freezer.

Carefully placing the binky in Maki's mouth you watch her gaze up at you and slowly stop whimpering as she begins knawing on the frozen bananas, your thumb brushing away her stray tears.

"There we go pretty girl, that should help you."

*knock knock*

What even.

Going to the door again you open it and look up at Jimin, who gives you a hearty wave and a small grin.

"Hey Y/N."

"Um...hey Jimin..."

"Don't worry I come in peace, I'm just checking on you after last night."

"Oh...I'm fine...Maki is bound to learn new words everyday! I play a lot of music and talk a lot too..."

"I see, well I'm happy you're doing okay, you looked pretty awkward most of the evening."


"That's honestly our fault, for so many years it has just been the seven of us living together so we always have things to constantly talk about. I apologize for that."

"Oh no! Don't apologize Jimin! I understand it honestly, I just spent time with Maki."

When Jimin looks at you holding Maki you notice his expression suddenly become warm, his shoulder leaning against the frame of the door as he simply nods.

"Alright then, I just wanted to come check up on you, have a nice night Y/N, and be careful going home I heard where you live the crime is getting really bad."

He's right...

Lately it's been nothing but break ins and murders...

"Th-Thank you Jimin...I'll be extra careful..."

"Alright then."

You and Maki both watch him turn on his heels and descend down the long hallway before stepping into the elevator, flashing you one last smile.

They were both...

Concerned about me?....

(A/N): :)

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