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He bought me...

A phone?...

You sit dumbstruck in your apartment still staring at the shiny new phone in front of you, your mind whirling with thoughts.

Wait a second...

How did he know where I lived?!

And why did he buy me a phone?...

Setting the phone down on the coffee table you stand up and pace your living room as the cracked boards creak under your feet as you chew on your thumbnail.

No way.

Park Jimin just bought me a phone?

How can I accept this?

I CAN'T accept this!


I have to return it to him, this phone is too fancy for me to have.

But...where do I return it too?

I've only seen him at Yoongi's apartment...and I want to keep myself scarce considering hiding Maki...if someone saw me around the bighit building they could follow me...

Wait...he said there was a contact in here.

You quickly grab the delicate device off the table and click on the contacts, your eyebrows furrowing with confusion at the name.


"ChimChim? Who's that?"

You quickly dial the number and nip at your nail until you hear a familiar voice come from the phone, your face immediately flushing red.

"Hello Y/N."


"I see you got the phone I left at your door. I was a little afraid you may not get it since you live in a...different area."


"Jimin...this is sweet but-"

"Y/N I have to go now but if you're ever in trouble, or just want to chat, give me a call!"

"Wait Jimin-"


Your heart drops to your stomach when the line suddenly goes dead, your chest heaving when you let out a frustrated sigh.


I don't need members of BTS buying me such expensive things...I can handle myself.

I'm an independent woman.

I don't need him to buy me anything.

Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll be at Yoongi's tomorrow so I can give him back this phone.

Standing up and walking into your room you take a second to look in the mirror at your sweater rumpled from Maki holding it, your fingers reaching up and tracing the tiny marks.

I miss Maki already...

I can't wait to spend the day with her tomorrow...

I'm always scared I'm going to say something wrong...so I'm happy it'll just be her and I...

After taking a semi hot shower you fall into your bed wearing a giant sweatshirt, your arms wrapping around the single pillow you have on your broken down bed.

I'll get out of here someday...

Maybe I can find a husband and be able to adopt a baby...

Solitary Affection |MYG Fanfiction|Where stories live. Discover now