Chapter 3

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Okay, this part gets confusing and please ask if there are any questions. I got this out a little sooner than I thought because I have two finals this week and formal and parties this weekend. I'm packed full right now studying. I think I'll just keep posting chapters since I wrote up to chapter 10. But no promises. We'll see haha. Please enjoy. Vote and comment!!

I went about my regular nighttime routine. Finish work around six. On the way home, pickup some food. Bring the food home and eat it, alone, in my apartment. Watch the news or TV until I shower and get to bed.

I didn't have that many friends anymore. My only really good friend in elementary and middle school was Mike. At spy school, I had quite a few friends, but we're not really allowed to talk to them too much and cannot even utter a word about spy school so I have nothing in common with them. All of my coworkers are either huge know-it-all jerks or ultra-nerdy so it's hard to get to be friends with them. I'm in my 20's so I should be partying, going to the clubs and such but those aren't my scene at all. I'm really socially awkward so that's always a big turnoff for girls. Therefore, I'm alone. Always.

I got my microwavable ramen out of the microwave and sat down to eat it in front of the TV. I flipped it on and settled for watching the news. A great way to brighten your day. Crime rates up 11%, fires in northern California, a new corporate scandal, car accident leaving two dead... all just wonderful stuff. Then the politics segment comes up. Oh yay, another round of unhappy news.

But this time, it wasn't about some campaign fraud or abuse of power or a sexual misconduct accusation. It was a result of an unexpected election. I've heard about this campaign very briefly. This man who was on the House of Representatives for a tiny part of Nebraska (population two thousand) suddenly died about two weeks ago. Since this part of Nebraska was so small, there were only a few people qualified and eligible to take his place from that district. The election was quick and hasty. Some guy from that town who just moved there a year or two prior is taking his place. I never caught his name though. I didn't care enough about the election because he was from Nebraska but they were talking about it on the news so I stuck by and watched.

"In more recent news, from Boulder, Nebraska, the election results for the position of the House of Representatives are in. After Mark Dazy passed away two weeks ago, this tiny district was in need of a replacement. There were only two eligible candidates with the right credentials from Boulder: Susan Mackie and Joshua Duncan. And after a quick and easy campaign, the winner is... Joshua Duncan!" The newscaster said, grinning. They flashed Joshua's picture on the screen.

It can't be! I dropped my chopsticks in a haste. There, on the television screen in front of me, was none other than a picture Joshua Hallal himself, in all of his handsome glory.

"You know, the folks of Boulder are lucky, don't you think Carol?" The other newscaster said to her.

"They sure are, Trent! Mr. Duncan only moved to Boulder about a year ago and is studying to be a lawyer and politician. It just so happens that Mark Dazy died and they were looking for a replacement. At only 28 years old, one of the youngest house members, Duncan was trying to find a cheaper place to live after some financial debt and stumbled upon Boulder. He was qualified to run in this current election and Boulder needed someone. It was a miracle!"

I barely heard them in my shock. Miracle, I think not. Sounds like something Joshua set up. That maybe SPYDER set up. There is no way it was a coincidence. Joshua Hallal. I haven't seen or heard about that name in a long time. Ever since I left spy school, I didn't have the clearance level to know about Joshua or SPYDER's whereabouts. After I left the CIA, SPYDER didn't contact me either. I guess I was forgotten. But there is no way that Joshua happened to turn his life around after years of being evil and happened to become a House of Representatives member. No way. There is something brewing beneath the surface of this whole mess and he was in the middle of it. And I was determined to find out what it was.

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