Chapter 21

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So excited because I finally know how the whole story will unfold! I knew what I wanted, but now I finally have a very detailed timeline and plot development (that honestly might change overtime; my plots tend to do that) so now hopefully the story will flow clearly!

Also, because I have a clear understanding of how the story will go, this chapter might have a lot of descriptions and perhaps boring stuff, however it has a lot of important details and even some foreshadowing! Let me know if you have a prediction! (But I won't confirm nor deny anything ;)

That being said, please enjoy! :) Don't forget to vote and comment!

Hailey showed us to our rooms in the big farmhouse. Erica agreed it was better if we stayed here on the farm, instead of heading back to the motel. We needed to maximize all the time we had at this place, now that the plot was thickening. Before dinner, Mike and Erica got our stuff and brought it back. We had two rooms upstairs with twin beds. I was sharing with Mike again and Erica and Zoe were together. I smiled. Everyone without an immediate family stayed in this house, so Hailey was downstairs with her two cousins, some of her older nieces and nephews and others were in this house as well. Diana, some of her uncles and other family members had their own houses on the property.

We settled in and by then, it was dinner time. In this indoor patio, there was a GIANT table. There was enough seating for about forty people, stretching over ten feet long. The entire family ate together. It was nice to see a big, happy family together. My family at home was small, I was the only child and so was my mom. My dad only had one brother so even our extended family was small. Here, it seemed like they really adapted the farm life of having many children.

Zoe, Erica, Mike and I sat with the family-less and single people towards the end of the table. We were served the best burger I had ever had. It seemed so fresh, with the freshly toasted bun, crisp lettuce, juicy meat (although I couldn't help but wonder what cow they killed on this farm for it) and it even seemed like the ketchup with homemade. I could see I wasn't the only one enjoying it. Mike and Zoe completely devoured it and even Erica seems to be loving it.

The people we were sitting with were really fun, too. Two of Hailey's cousins were sitting next to Erica and me, John and William. They were both stereotypical country boys, very polite, good looking and really fun. They were twin brothers around twenty years old and telling us stories about crazy things growing up on a farm. They got all of us laughing and swapping stories. Even Erica, who was, until this point, very reserved, got into the stories and told some crazy celebrity stories of her own. It was funny because I don't think that John or William really heard of her. They admitted that on the farm, they never watched TV or kept up with celebrity gossip. Erica listed off some things, and I think they finally realized who she was from a magazine cover shoot she did. I was worried that Hailey would be suspicious of Erica being an FBI agent and super famous, but I don't think she even put two and two together. We were all having a great time.

When dinner was over, they brought out some pies. Oh my god the pies were amazing. Fresh peach and apples pies really hit the spot. After dinner was over, I was a little bit sad that it was over. I could see that Mike and Zoe felt the same way. Since we were on some weird daylight saving time (we've been shifting through time zones these last few days) it was still light outside. John suggested we go to this nearby river and swim. I had no swim gear, but I borrowed some from William. Erica opted out, saying she was tired and wanted to get some rest. So Hailey, Zoe, John, William, Mike and I went to the river. It was so fun! The river was really calm and we could see the little fish swimming around my ankles. The kids on the farm tied a rope to a branch so we got to swing in. The water was only about five feet deep, so we played chicken in the river. I was slightly worried about hitting my head (Bridge to Terabithia and all) but it was fine. Hailey was on my shoulders and Zoe was on Mike's and we successfully dunked them many times. We were all laughing and having the best time. It was quite therapedic for Mike, Zoe and I as well. We all went through hell these last few weeks; Mike getting suspended from his dream job, Zoe breaking up with her husband and me losing my apartment. It was great just letting loose and being carefree.

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