Chapter 16

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And here we are, a week later with Chapter 16. God this one is LONG. Thanks for waiting! But I definitely think it'll keep your attention. Lots of twists and turns, that's for sure. Thank you for all the wonderful votes and comments in the last chapter. I can't wait to see and read them this time! We also have some trigger warnings for drugs and stuff. Read at your own discretion. (I think Im gonna stop putting these bc if you have something to say, don't read it lol. It also ruins the surprises.) On that note please enjoy! Oh and whoever is on spring break, happy spring break!

We caught up to Erica who was still weaving through the crowds. She was keeping her head down to avoid being recognized, thus she hasn't seen Mike yet. We reached her and Zoe grabbed her arm. Zoe gestered up towards Mike and when she noticed him, she completely stopped. The poor drink person nearly knocked into her. Erica covered her mouth and muttered "What the hell are you doing?" Mike had done the impossible. Shocked Erica Hale herself.

I was going through a turmoil of emotions too. My childhood best friend who I hadn't seen in almost a decade was here. And drunk, high and half naked. Despite how awful and gross he looked, I was still glad to see him, as I missed him. His life looked like it went to crap way worse than mine did. I guess all the money and fame really got to him in the worst ways.

We stood there awkwardly deciding if we should approach him while he was like this. The bar was surrounded by girls mostly who were also very drunk and high. But as he spun in a circle, he noticed us.

Now that we got a view of his front, it was worse. He was obviously still very handsome and had great abs. But now he had dark circles under his eyes and a spacey look in his eyes. He looked like he was half out of it. And he was wearing his uniform (minus the shirt jersey waving in the air) so he was going to play tonight. But after seeing the state he was in now, I wasn't too sure. And I'm pretty sure he was the starting pitcher.

Anyway, when he spun, he noticed us and stopped dancing for a second. He stood there, just staring at us. The hoard of girls then turned on us, jealousy filling their eyes. Mike then grinned really big and jumped off the bar and made his way towards us.

"Oh my god! Hey guys! Cameron said you were dropping by!" He stumbled forward in his drunkenness and almost fell completely on top of Zoe.

We were all shocked in his state right now. Erica looked like he was too disgusted to speak to him and Zoe looked like she was very concerned for him. I was a bit horrified, but this was still the same Mike we all knew, so I decided to speak.

"Hi Mike. Wow, it's very good to see you. Um... how've you been?" I did an internal facepalm at my own comment. He was obviously awful. But after all these years, thinking about our past, I didn't really know what to say.

"Oh my god," he slurred with drunk giggles mixed in, "I am having the TIME OF MY LIFE! You have NO IDEA." Mike was being serious. He seemed to have tricked himself (probably with the drugs and dopamine hits) into thinking he was happy. Based on his tone and body language, he really did believe he was having the time of his life.

"I mean, do you know how much money the league and the team pays me? It's INSANE. I mean, Erica, you probably understand, but Zoe and Ben, it's crazy! I have all the money for the best drugs and booze! Here!"Mike fumbled in the back pocket of his uniform. He produced a small baggie of white powder.

"I just got this amazing cocaine yesterday!" He put some on his hand and snorted it up. All of us instantly recoiled, "Here, try some!" Mike put more on his hand and stuck in right in front of my face. There was no way I was doing that, but luckily, this guy came over and slapped Mike's hand down, spilling the drugs on the ground. Mike pouted at the guy.

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