Chapter 17

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Literally blown away. Wow, okay so I was expecting to have at least until today to get 550 votes. Since all of you are amazing (and some good hackers I think) we got to 550 in like an hour. It was my dad's birthday yesterday so I didn't update then, so hopefully this is up when you wake up. But of course, thank you so much. I'll say it a thousand times: you all are the best.

I also love how passionate many of you are about the story! It's great how much you're in love with it! However, I want everyone to keep in mind that this story might make you upset or disappointed with relationships or whatever, and that's fine. I would like to hope that you all keep in mind that this is my story and to not dismiss it and dislike it because something doesn't go how you would like it to go or how you expected it to go. It is not tagged as a Berica story as of now. It never was. I want it to be realistic and exciting! It would give it away if I spoiled it like that. It will definitely not be an entire story of fluff, that's for sure. In real life, if you want to get fluff, you have to go through a ton of angst. For anyone who's been in a relationship, you know that it is not always, and rarely is, all smooth sailing. And also, not all relationships work out too! Haha just a friendly reminder not to dislike the story based on what happens with your favorite relationship. And plus, doesn't it make it more exciting? Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk.

Haha with that in mind, please enjoy chapter 17 and thanks for all the votes! :)

I woke up cranky. Who could blame me? After witnessing that disturbing scene, I immediately fled back to my room. There was no way I was going to get in between that and I most definity didn't want to talk to Erica after that. No way. If she wants to be a jerk and kiss me and then make out with Cameron, she could do what she wants. I don't care anymore.

It was 9:30 in the morning. At around 9:45, Zoe called my room. She said she and Erica were heading downstairs for breakfast if I wanted to join them. So I got dressed and headed to the breakfast area. I had absolutely no intention whatsoever to speak to Erica.

I got down there and it was FANCY. It was traditional breakfast buffet style, but all the foods were fancy, posh breakfast foods (like instead of an omelet, it was an egg white omelet with filet mignon chunks). But I was living it up right now, so I loaded my plate with the food and went to find Zoe and Erica.

They were sitting towards the back of the dining area. Zoe looked tired and Erica looked completely normal. As much as I said I didn't care, I was super curious if Erica and Cameron spent the night together. But Erica has no indication of such, so I had no idea. Plus, she didn't look hungover either, so that makeout session was definitely not a result of a drunk night, at least on Erica's part. I felt disappointed before I could stop myself.

"Good morning, Ben," Erica said politely. She was acting like nothing was different, like nothing unusual happened the night before. She didn't know that I saw her either, so I was debating whether I should come clean and look like a creep, or sit on it a while longer. I was going to sit on it, at least until I saw Cameron.

I responded to Erica with a gruff, "Morning." She gave me a confused judgemental side eye, but I ignored it. Zoe gave me a bit of a dirty look too, with the way I was acting. If only she knew. The rest of breakfast was pretty quiet; Zoe led the conversation with talk about the weather or the news or something. I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention. I was studying Erica for behavior cues about last night, but I was getting none. I found it kinda rude that Erica was mentioning the kiss to me. Why wouldn't she address that? But there was no way I was going to bring it up after last night. Was I being a little bit petty? Maybe. I don't care.

When we were about wrapping up, the devil himself approached the table. I couldn't hide my hatred towards him. I gave him a dirty look when he came over.

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