Chapter 29

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Thank you so much for your patience! As you may have seen on my announcement board, the wifi was out for our neighborhood for four days because of the overloaded system with EVERYONE using it (honestly I'm not surprised it didn't happen sooner!) I also posted a tag I created myself on my other tag story that I think is really interesting and would love to read your responses to it. Make sure to tag me if you do it so I can see it! :)

This chapter is a tad bit shorter than normal, but again it cuts off at a good point and I wanted to crank this one out as soon as possible to make up time!

ALSO I have approached my SIX MONTH mark! I started this story December 31 2019 and it is already July! This story has blown up since then and I can't thank all of you enough for all the support! 2020, however, has been pretty crappy for the most part, but hopefully in the second half things will turn around! I hope all of you are safe and staying healthy! Don't forget to vote and comment! Please enjoy!

"Explain. Now." Erica demanded, already losing patience for Scott.

"Okay," he said, taking a deep breath, "How much do you know?"

"Assume we know nothing," Erica told him.

"Which we don't," Mike unhelpfully added. Erica shot him a look.

"Joshua called me about two weeks after he won the election. I was still working for you Erica. He told me he had a job for me in the next few weeks, maybe a few months. I told him I obviously wasn't interested, but again, I had no choice. Joshua called me a few days before Ben arrived at Erica's house and told me his evil plan. And it's going down very soon, tomorrow, actually. So you know the big meeting thingy going on in Washington DC right now?"

It was silent for a beat. Scott took that as a no.

"Really?" Scott asked, surprised, "Do you read the news? Ever? Or at least noticed the extra security and traffic in DC? It's only the biggest meeting, the most important meeting, in the nation."

I realized what month it was, January, and as a DC local, knew exactly what was going on, "The state of the union address." I said.

"Exactly," Scott nodded.

State of the Union addresses were always a pain in the ass for any Washington DC local. Each year, in the end of January or beginning of February, the president, along with the vice president, the cabinet, congress and basically everyone important to the US government come together for a GIANT meeting. The president updates the country on what's been going on and what plans they have for the future. It's a headache for Washington DC since everyone from all over the country comes to the meeting. No wonder the traffic was even more horrific than normal.

"Let me guess," Mike said, "He's gonna bomb the meeting."

Scott nodded.

This confused all of us, "Why would he do that?" Zoe asked, "He's done that before! In fact, that was his exact plan with the United Nations meeting. Unoriginal, too predictable."

Scott held up his hands for her to pause, "That was his point. He wanted it to be almost exactly the same."

"Why in the world would he want that?" Mike asked.

"Think about it," Scott started, "That thwarted plan RUINED his evil career. No one in the terrorist and evil communities respected him anymore. How many times would he be bested by that kid Ben Ripley? And at such an important meeting and such an important mission. If that worked out, Joshua would be famous and respected. But it failed, like all of his plans. It was embarrassing. Mr. E completely blamed Joshua and Joshua was the laughing stock of all of the nefarious leaders. Of people he used to call peers. It took the biggest hit on his ego as well. And so-"

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