Chapter 31

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Blown away at how quickly you guys did that. Thank you so much!! This one is quite long and I finally know how many chapters are left! 2 more and then an authors note, which isn't officially a chapter but like yeah haha. Love you all, thank you! Don't forgot to vote and comment! Please enjoy!!

"What?" I asked, really confused, "How am I the bomb?"

"It's the only logical thing at this point. We searched the entire area," Erica explained.

"Wait, maybe it's going off on anything. You walk through it," I told Erica. Maybe, because the machine was underground for so long, it malfunctioned and would beep at anything.

Erica did as I said and walked through it. It didn't beep. I was the only one who was setting off the alarm.

She gave me a pointed look.

"But where is it then?" I asked. I don't think the shock of being a bomb had hit me yet. I was still super confused how it could have happened.

"Did you take anything from Joshua's event? A keychain or even a pen?" Erica asked me.

I shook my head rapidly, "No, in fact, I avoided accidentally taking anything. Someone offered to take my coat and I jumped away from them. No one got near my things."

"Take off your clothes," Erica said simply.

That took me by surprise, "What now?" I asked.

"Remember how back in spy school when your jacket was holding a bomb? Maybe someone snuck it in your clothes while you weren't looking at Joshua's event."

It made sense, but I was reluctant to strip in front of Erica. Whatever, time was running out. I took my jacket and then my shirt off. I was unbuttoning my pants when Erica quickly interrupted me.

"No, keep the pants on," Erica said with a disgusted look on her face. Thank god.

I walked through the metal detector again. Yet again, it beeped, signaling the bomb was still on me, not in my clothes.

Erica groaned in defeat and so did I.

"Did you eat anything?" Erica asked me after a second of thinking.

"At the event?" I asked as I put my clothes back on.

"Yes," she said, "Also, when was the last time you pooped?"

I whirled around, "What? Now we're getting a little too personal for my liking."

Erica rolled her eyes, "I'm thinking that maybe you ingested it during the event. Did you eat anything?"

"Yeah we all did," I replied, "Remember the buffet?"

She shook her head, "No, all the guests ate from that and we served ourselves. Any time after that?"

I thought for a second and then remembered those amazing finger sandwiches.

"Well, I ate some cucumber finger sandwiches off a lady's tray after meeting with Joshua." I said, "But hold on! You ate a sandwich too! Peanut butter and jelly if I remember correctly."

Erica nodded, remembering that as well, "You're right. But I'm not setting the alarm off. You are. And that is very interesting. From what I remember about that moment, the lady holding the tray exited the kitchen right as we were done meeting Joshua. Like clockwork even. As if that wasn't an accident..."

"Maybe it wasn't!" I exclaimed, starting to figure it out, "I think Joshua told her to exit when we did! He knew we were hungry and those sandwiches looked too inviting not to eat. The bomb must have been in one of the five sandwiches I ate!"

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