Chapter 30

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Ahh okay, that was weird. So if you don't know what I'm talking about, when I posted this chapter last night, all my text erased and it was replaced with this weird text/code thingy. Luckily, I write on google docs and transfer everything over to Wattpad so I didn't have to re-write the chapter which would be a pain in the behind to do. So about what happened. I don't know. I have no idea. I did like a python coding class like three years ago and I know that this is weird. Normally, when code appears, it appears on an extra box on your screen or something else external. It seems like this was embodied into the chapter, as if I wrote it, which I didn't. Wattpad should have given you an error I think, not the chapter itself.

So this is super suspicious and I emailed Wattpad about it. They haven't responded yet so I will let you know when they do! I've had issues with Wattpad in the past (idk if anyone remembers this but my entire SSR story was deleted for like a day along with some other stories out of the blue and then reposted. It was weird.) This night because I'm working all on my phone as my computer is broken and I had to return my school computer I used to write on.

So while I was waiting for Wattpad, I FaceTimed a tech genius friend of mine. He's not familiar with Wattpad at all, but deals with Instagram a lot. Have you even gotta where someone sends you a random link and you haven't talked to them in two years? That's when the account is hacked. Someone else accesses your Instagram account and DM's people as you. Anyway, he knows that it happens a lot on social media sites like Instagram or Facebook a lot. He thinks the only logical explanation is that I was hacked. I doubt this highly because there's no reason to hack my account out of the blue. And if so, why would you take an already written chapter, delete it and write code? Makes no sense. That's why I think it's an error with Wattpad. I use a third party VPN app and he said maybe they hacked me through there, but again, seems unlikely. Please let me know if this happens to you or if you have any ideas as to why.

I want to be clear that this isn't intentional. There was no secret code (although that sounds super dope and super fun to write. Like make people decode it and it reveals a secret message. Lowkey kinda wanna try it haha). Anyway, I'm SO SORRY about that and I hope this wasn't an inconvenience.

I dealt with it as I would a hacked Instagram account: change the password, delete the app and reinstall it. For now, it seemed to work and I deleted that weird chapter and replaced it with this. This is what it said and was supposed to say. I'm so sorry again. Don't forget to vote and comment. Please enjoy!

Hi everyone!! Hope you all are doing well!! So occasionally I look at Stuart Gibbs website and apparently, he's making a comic book version of the first spy school! Yay! I don't have much to say other than please enjoy!!

It was chaotic. When we got even close to the capitol building, we were met with black SUV's and tons of traffic. Workers in orange vests tried uselessly to manage the mess but it was pointless. Reporters swarmed each SUV, hoping it was a member of congress they pester with questions.

We found a parking spot, thank god, a few blocks away from the capitol building. Because this was all happening so fast, we didn't have a plan to get into the building. I just hoped something would work in our favor.

Zoe, Mike, Erica and I approached the capitol building on foot. Once we got in its vicinity, it was madness.

All of the important figures in the United States government were showing up at one time. Basically every news station in the country was here, trying to bombard the congresspeople with questions about their opinions on certain issues and their thoughts of the state of our nation. News crews with heavy equipment and giant cameras were running around everywhere. It was super lucky for us. One thing that spies love is chaos. It makes us undetectable. However it also makes the enemy undetectable.

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