Chapter 18

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Well this update came a little bit early so yay! Thank you for all those awesome reviews, thoughts and predictions! I tried to respond to most of them, but if I didn't respond to yours I'm so sorry. Next time for sure! Alright, without further ado, please enjoy!! Don't forget to vote and review ;). We're getting to some of the actual plot this time! Have a great afternoon!

We headed to the airport. We didn't really talk that much, as Erica was still mad at me and I was still mad at her. Poor Mike and Zoe were stuck in between us, like two feuding parents and their kids. Mike, Cameron and his team made a collective decision to throw out all alcohol and drugs in a quest to get Mike off those awful substances. He was already showing some minor withdrawal symptoms. The drive was tense, but everyone was putting their differences aside for the benefit of the mission.

We got to the airport just in time. Downtown Boston traffic was a nightmare. It was only 40 minutes until takeoff and they were boarding. We were waiting in line to board with our boarding passes and luggage when Mike suddenly whispered to me,

"I have an awful stomach ache. I have to go to the bathroom." I looked at him in panic. We were supposed to be boarding now. And I knew this would add to Erica's annoyance. She and Zoe were a few feet away, talking.

"Can you go on the plane?" I hissed at him.

He shook his head vigorously, "It's too small for me to do my business in there. And I don't want everyone to judge me." I already dreaded telling Erica.

"Fine, hurry up. You've better let Zoe and Erica know. And hurry up so we don't miss our flight." He nodded and scurried over to the girls. He delivered the news very sheepishly and I could see Erica's eyes narrow in barely concealed annoyance. Zoe looked concerned about missing the flight. I hung back a few seconds after Mike left before approaching them.

Zoe looked stressed, "They're doing group C right now. After this is the final boarding call. If Mike doesn't get back here in the next like five minutes, we're gonna miss the flight." She tapped her foot rapidly. Erica didn't look stressed, just annoyed. She wasn't looking at me right now at all. She was pretending I wasn't there.

"Final boarding call," the gate attendant said pleasantly, "This is the final boarding call for flight 492 with non-stop service to Nebraska."

This definitely did not help Zoe with her nerves, "Where is he?!" She looked around frantically.

"We are missing Zoe Andrews, party of four. Zoe Andrews, party of four, please come to Gate A9." The gate agent said calmly.

Zoe was getting frantic, "I'll go up to the gate and try to stall them. Ben, you go find Mike. Erica, come with me. They might hold off for a while if they knew you were a celebrity."

Erica frowned at this, "I'm not going to abuse my fame like that. Plus, I don't want everyone here to know who I am. It would only make it worse. Mike better hurry his ass up."

Zoe exhaled, "Fine, whatever. Ben, go find Mike! Erica, watch the luggage." With that, Zoe rushed to the ticket counter.

I ran to find Mike. I went into the mens restroom and didn't see him washing his hands, so he must be in the stall. Luckily, there weren't too many people in there, so I felt comfortable calling out.

"Mike! Come'on man, we're gonna miss the flight! Hurry up! Zoe is gonna kill you!"

I heard vomiting from a stall and what seemed like attempts at words. I approached the stall. I tapped on it lightly, "Mike?" The retching continued. I leaped back in disgust.

"Ben?" I heard Mike say weakly within the stall, "I'm so sorry." I approached the stall once more.

"You good?" I asked, then realizing it was a stupid question. He was obviously not good.

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