hurt. oscar

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"i can't do this anymore." you mumbled.

you'd been watching girls throw themselves at oscar for too long. you couldn't sit back and watch anymore. it made you sick.

cesar glanced over at you, the smile wiping off his face when he saw your glossy eyes. he panicked. "hey— hey— what's wrong?" he grabbed your hand but you pulled away.

"nothing," you shook your head, standing up. "i'm gonna go." you grabbed your jacket and walked straight to the exit, leaving cesar confused.

"wait—" cesar chased after you. "at least let me walk you home." oscar would kill him if he knew he'd let you walk home alone.

"just— leave me alone." you snapped. cesar stopped following you. you were never harsh with him. you walked round the side of the house and away from the loud party. cesar didn't know what was wrong, he didn't know what to do. one moment you were sat having a good time and the next you're storming out. he was clueless to it all.

you quickly wiped under your eyes when tears finally fell, annoyed with yourself for letting your feelings get the better of you again. you knew oscar didn't feel the same, but just because he wasn't interested in you didn't mean you could just switch off your emotions. you tried to act normal again but you couldn't. you hated that you felt like this, it ruined everything.

you walked down the street, carrying your feet as quickly as they would take you without running. you knew it wasn't safe walking home alone this late at night, but you just couldn't bare cesar grilling you about all this.

you told oscar about a week ago that you had feelings for him, thinking that he'd admit the same feelings for you. that didn't happen though. he went on a rant about how stupid you were for catching feelings, how you'd ruined your relationship with him, and how he couldn't feel the same for you. it broke your heart but you kept on a strong face, took his words on the chin and left him alone, not speaking to him since. not that he seemed to notice, he was constantly surrounded by girls.

he literally ripped your heart out and didn't notice or care. you didn't know what you expected. oscar was a very cold and unfeeling person, his reputation proceeded it. but you were friends, you saw a different side of him when he'd laugh at your jokes, and when he'd hug cesar. you were hurt knowing none of what happened had phased him and that he could go on with his normal life without you in it.

"y/n!" you snapped out of your thoughts, turning around in a panic when you heard your name being called. you suddenly thought the worst. you knew you shouldn't've walked home alone.

luckily you saw oscar, jogging toward you. or unluckily. as mad as you wanted to be at him, he still made you feel safe.

you turned your back on him and continued walking, ignoring his calls. you didn't want him to see that you'd been crying, you didn't want him to think you were still upset.

you felt him grab your arm, stopping you from walking further away from him. "what the fuck—"

"leave me alone, oscar." you didn't want to talk to him. you pulled your arm out of his grip and carried on walking.

"i know you're angry at me but this is just stupid. you're being stupid. do you know how dangerous this is?" you frowned, you weren't angry at him, your safety wasn't any of his business anymore.

"leave me alone." you repeated. but he quickly caught up with you, walking next to you now. you tried to speed up but he just followed you whatever you did. you huffed. "oscar, please, i can walk myself home."

"it's not safe." you stopped walking, and faced him. you weren't angry at him, you were hurt and it hurt just to be talking to him knowing how he felt about you.

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