family first. oscar

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request: "can I please ask for an Oscar Diaz imagine where he's in love with Jasmine cousin? and Jasmine is...Jasmine😂I adore her"

"'sup mami," you crossed your arms over your chest as you walked up the path to his house. you tried to ignore the stares from the group of boys sitting around holding their dicks. instead, you looked at oscar only, paying no attention to his friends. "can't stay away?"

"is my cousin here?" you asked, ignoring his comment.

oscar was sat on one of the steps leading up to the house, his eyes hadn't moved from you since he saw you walking up the street. he wore a smirk, he always did when you were around, he couldn't help it.

"come 'ere and i'll tell you," he patted his lap. you gritted your teeth. he was such an asshole around his friends but you were getting used to it. it didn't phase you as much now because you knew what he was really like. this was just an act. didn't mean it didn't piss you off.

oscar was a nice guy. you'd been seeing him for months now and it was good. it was secret and private and good. the only other person who knew was jasmine, and that was because she couldn't mind her own business if her life depended on it. she wasn't thrilled to find out you were dating the head of los santos, but you were sure she'd come around once she really got to know him.

"is jasmine here?" you repeated. you tried hard to say it without any of the attitude, but the feminist in you was screaming at you to put him in his place.

he hissed. "watch your tone, mami," the other santos members sneered, watching with amusement. you wanted to slap the smirk off of all their faces. he was pushing his luck.

before you could rage at him, he cut you off. "she's not here, mami," you hated him teasing you like this. you rolled your eyes muttering a exasperated thanks before turning to walk away. was it so hard for him to just tell you that in the first place.

as you turned though you felt a hand slap your ass. before you could register, you turned back around and smacked oscar across the face. he raised his eyebrow, tilting his head up to look at you. he was taken aback. but you were stern. he knew he was gonna get a mouthful from you later.

"asshole," you mumbled, turning your back on him and his friends so you could continue your search for your cousin.

"damn, i don't know how anyone could put up with her— she's loca," one of the santos sneered but you were already walking away and out of earshot. oscar, on the other hand, slapped him over the head.

please don't be jasmine. please don't be jasmine—

"oh hell no," oscar rolled his eyes when jasmine answered the door, instead of you. he sighed, looking at her pleadingly, ready to make his case but she shook her head. "you might as well leave now, spooky. if that's even your real name."

he gave a quick look of confusion. she really was something else. he knew where you got your crazy from. "are you still mad 'cause i said i'd kill you after i smashed you? 'cause that was a game."

"no," she folded she arms across her chest. "but that was pretty rude," she raised her eyebrows, placing her hand on the doorframe, stressing that she was not letting him in any time soon.

"it was a stupid game," jasmine was having none of it. "come on, just let me see her—" he pleaded with her, but she quickly cut him off.

"uh-uh. she doesn't wanna see your sorry ass," she quirked one eyebrow, letting out a humph. jasmine never really liked oscar. she thought he was hot, of course everyone did, but he was an asshole. a real asshole. and in her eyes he would never be good enough for you. she was fiercely protective over her family and friends. when you told her how he'd treated you earlier, she vowed he wouldn't be stepping foot in this house again. you thought she was being dramatic, but clearly, she was deadly serious. jasmine let a lot of things slide, but the objectification of women wasn't one of them.

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