scared. oscar

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you watched when he clenched his fists. you took a step back, trying to cool down the heated argument you two had gotten into. you'd been telling him off for jumping cesar into the gang, and he'd been telling you off for getting too involved in his life. but oscar was getting pretty worked up now, you'd not seen him like this before, at least not towards you. you were starting to think you'd overstepped.

"you," he pointed an accusing finger at you, his eyebrows furrowed as he spat his words at you. "you don't understand. you never have. never will. cesar es mi hermano. i wouldn't let anyone hurt him."

"then why jump him into a gang?! shouldn't you be doing the opposite?" you still raised your voice even though your argument was failing. oscar was more worked up than you and you could tell he was close to completely losing his temper.

oscar was notorious for losing his temper, it got him into all kinds of trouble ever since he was kid. before you started dating, you were pretty scared of oscar, as was everyone. but after one conversation with him, he only made you feel safe. that's not how you felt now.

"cesar deserves better, you know that." you frowned, crossing your arms over your chest. oscar ran his hand over his face, a sign that he was losing temper. you'd seen oscar lose his temper once, you didn't want to see it again. "you're ruining his life by getting him involved."

he snapped. "you don't get it!" he flailed his arms in frustration with you. your eyes widened, lifting your arms up to protect your head but you never felt any contact. peeking from behind your hands you saw oscar staring at you bewildered. "what the fuck?" you stepped away from him when he took a step closer to you. his anger was gone. his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "i wasn't going to hit you."

you gulped, lowering your hands when you saw him standing calmly in front of you.

oscar had never hurt you, despite his violent reputation. he was different when it was just the two of you. he thought you understood that. but being in that situation, with his clenched fists flung close to you, brought you back to a time if your life you'd tried to forget.

he stepped closer, you jumped when his hand touched your waist. your lip quivering the more your mind took you back. you pushed his hand away and quickly walked away from him.

"hey— wait—" you slammed the door behind you that led to your shared bedroom.

your breathing was heavy, your chest tight the more you thought about it. oscar wouldn't hurt you. he wouldn't. you repeated it to yourself, trying to make yourself believe it. he wasn't like the others.

you heard the door open behind you and you shook your head. "i just need a minute." you held your hand to your chest the more it tightened. you were scared.

"y/n—" his voice was quiet. "i'm never gonna hurt you. not like that. ever."

you nodded, trying to listen to his words. but you'd heard it all before. you sat down on your shared bed and oscar sat next to you, leaving a small gap between you. he didn't try to touch you again.

"i know," you quickly wiped away the stray tears that fell, sniffling. "sorry. i just freaked out. i didn't mean to be weird."

"don't apologise, mami." you nodded, still dazed.

before oscar, you had dated a pretty nasty guy. manipulative and abusive. you'd been stuck under his thumb for such a long time until you grabbed your chance and left. you were lucky.

"i used to date this guy, and he used to shout at me like that all the time—" you huffed. you rested your hand on top of his, he turned his hand over and linked his fingers with yours. "but he'd hurt me. like he'd trip me up and i'd hit my head, but it was my fault. or he'd accidentally push me too hard, and if i sprained my ankle, then it was my fault."

"fuck," oscar muttered. he lifted your hands, pressing his lips to the back of yours.

"he was the worst. but i was in love with him and i believed everything he was telling me." you ducked your head. you were ashamed, hence why you'd never told oscar before now. you didn't want him to think you were scared of him. you just didn't want a repeat of your last relationship. "so i'm sorry," oscar shook his head. "i didn't mean to freak out. i think sometimes i'm just trying to stop myself from getting hurt."

a couple tears slipped from your eyes when you looked over at oscar again, wiping them away quickly. oscar was such a put together person, you didn't often see him get emotional so it was kind of embarrassing for you having to cry in front of him.

oscar was quiet at first before leaning over and kissing your flushed cheek.

"i love you," he mumbled. "i promise i'd never treat you like that. ever." you nodded, a sad smile on your lips, whispering a quiet i know. "if you tell me his name, i'll kill him myself."

you smiled, rolling your eyes. you knew he was being serious but you chose to ignore him. "you don't need to do that."

"i want to." you nudged his shoulder and he smiled halfheartedly, you could tell he was still thinking about it.

"hey— can we just move past this? i don't wanna think about him again." he hesitated.

"ok." you could tell he was trying really hard not to quiz you on this guy. you could tell he was trying really hard to let it go. you knew it was hard for him, oscar was overprotective in his nature.

"it's ok, oscar," you rested your forehead against his. "i'm ok now."

he tilted his head, pressing his lips against yours. he was gentle.

message me if u wanna request but i am hit n miss sometimes what i write is good and other times is trash so you take your chances when making requests ok? ok also u can follow my tumblr too for so gud content i also post my imagines on there there are so different ones on there already so peep if you want @ biisexualemma

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