drunk. oscar

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you grabbed the shot out of cesar's hand and necked it before he could complain. "hey!"

"you're too young to be drinking anyway!" you waved your finger at him, and shot him a smile. he huffed.

"so are you!" you just shrugged.

"i'm older than you, so.." you blew a raspberry and cesar rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath about just how mature you were for blowing raspberries at him. he left the dance floor in search of more alcohol.

"maybe you should slow down." monse laughed, watching you dance to the music playing, sipping on your red cup as you did. you waved her off. you could handle your drink pretty well, you thought so anyway.

"i'm fine," you smiled, grabbing her hand so she would dance with you. "everyone else needs to catch up."

you danced for a long tome after that until the alcohol really did start to catch up with you. you huffed exhausted from all the dancing and in desperate need of water. "i think i need water." monse agreed, staring you down with a look that said i told you so.

"yeah. you needed water hours ago." you pushed her shoulder, laughing and muttering a quiet shut up before leaving the dancefloor in search of a tap with running water.

"here," you stepped back, looking up at the guy now standing in your way, a cup in his hand. he handed it to you. you didn't recognise him. you sniffed the liquid and pulled a face. "just drink it. it'll make you feel better." you pushed the cup back into his hands and continued your search for water.

"no thanks i'm good."

you felt a hand grab your wrist, pulling you back.

"listen, ese," you pulled your hand away, ready to tl this guy off, but instead you saw oscar. his eyebrows were raised, trying not to smile.

you smiled when you saw your boyfriend. "oh. i thought you were someone else." you giggled.

"yeah, i saw that." he hummed.

"hey," you wrapped your arms around his neck. "it's not like i accepted it. i was sensible." oscar suppressed a laugh when you slurred your words. it was a good thing you were cute, because you were a mess.

"i saw that too." oscar's hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. "it's time to go home, ms. sensible."

"why? i feel fine?" you frowned. oscar loved when you looked at him like that. he was so attracted to you, you were his weakness. you pointed your finger at his chest. "you should be watching your mano. underage drinking isn't sensible. i'm sensible. cesar is not." you waved your finger at him, telling him off.

he nodded. "cesar can take care of himself." he was trying so hard not to laugh at you. you didn't often get drunk because you were generally a pretty sensible person. but tonight was an exception. you were surrounded by people you loved, you were happy. so you had a drink, or two, and then maybe a few more.

you crossed your arms over your chest. "i can take care of myself, too."

"i know, mami." oscar smirked.

you frowned. "you don't think i can take care of myself— i'm very strong. i could've taken that niño had he tried anything." it was hard to understand anything that was coming out of your mouth at this point, so oscar just grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the exit.

"i believe you." oscar wasn't lying. you could be pretty feisty when you wanted to be. he had every faith that you could handle your own. but that didn't stop him from keeping an eye on you.

"wait— baby— you're gonna miss the party." you pouted, stopping when you got outside.

oscar wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close into his side as you continued to walk to his car down the street. "it's just a party, amor."

"but you like parties." you looked up at him, puzzled in your drunken state. oscar smiled and shook his head he didn't think he could possibly love you more but you always surprised him.

"i like you more."

you smiled. "you're pretty sweet when you wanna be, spooky."

"spooky, huh?" he raised an eyebrow. you chuckled.

"you're not very spooky, spooky. in fact, you're the opposite." you giggled at your own joke. oscar just watched you babbling, laughing when you laughed.

"'cause i love you." he saw your cheeks flush, pulling you into his chest, kissing the top of your head.

you mumbled a soft, i love you too into his chest, wrapping your arms around his torso. he squeezed you tight before letting go. "alright, get in the car. you need to get to bed."

you did as he said and slipped into the passenger seat of his car. oscar drove you back to his place, his hand holding yours the whole time, squeezing it gently every now and again. you leaned over, resting your head on his shoulder, your eyes slowly closing.

"don't fall asleep yet, mami." he mumbled. you hummed but he knew you were already gone. he pulled up to the house, moving you carefully so he didn't wake you. somehow he managed to carry out of the car, into the house and into the bedroom. he dropped you onto the bed and you rolled over, stretching yourself out. you sighed, a small smile on your face as you got yourself comfy.

oscar carefully took off your shoes and your jacket, as not to wake you, and pulled the covers over you to keep you warm. you were out cold, or so he thought until he tried to leave you to sleep. you reached out, trying to grab his hand, groaning when you couldn't reach him. your eyes still closed.

"spooky," you mumbled softly. he smiled, walking back over to the bed and grabbing your hand that was flailing around. "bed." you tried to pull him into bed, making him stumble closer.

he was completely at your disposal. oscar would do anything for you, he couldn't help it. he was so in love with you. he was a different person completely when he was around you. you made him soft.

oscar slipped his shoes off before climbing into bed next to you. you rolled over, wrapping one arm around him, laying against his chest.

"love you, osc." you slurred quietly. he kissed your forehead, his arm wrapped around your waist and the other tucked under your head.

"love you, y/n."

"you're... you're the best." you sighed, your words barely audible at this point. you slipped into a deep sleep, soft snores escaping your lips.

oscar went to sleep shortly after you did, feeling more at peace than he had in a very long time. your limbs clinging to him made him feel safe and comforted. he was crazy, crazy, in love with you. this was it for him. this was the life he wanted. he wouldn't be able to live without you.

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