good enough. oscar

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request: May I please ask for an Oscar Spooky Diaz imagine where he goes to pick up his gf from a girls night out because she's a bit drunk (I'm a sleepy/kindda says everything drunk) and she's being all cute and giddy with him, until she slips out that she's afraid one day, he'll realize that he deserves better,and she's nit good enough for him and will leave her. and Oscar puts a stop to her fears. just cute/ romantic stuff. what do you think?"

a/n: i think Yes

"hey, baby," a wide grin spread across your lips when his voice rang through the phone. you shivered, the cold air hitting your bare arms now you were outside the bar and away from the noise. but you ignored the temperature and focused on your boyfriends voice.

"what's up, nena?" you bit down on your bottom lip to conceal your growing smile. he made you happy.

"hey, hey, so you know how you said you loved me a couple hours ago?" he hummed in response. "well, first off, i love you too," you were starting to slur your words together the more you spoke. and you were so wound up in your own thoughts you didn't even hear oscars chuckle on the other end of the phone. "and second, i need you to pick me up. because you love me."

"because i love you, i gotta get off my ass and pick you up from that bar you insisted on going to that is a good half hour away, even though you told me you had a designated driver bringing your drunk ass home?" you could hear the amusement in his tone this time and you pulled a face.

"hey, hey, hey," you pointed a finger, as if he was standing in front of you. "you said you loved me, so we shouldn't have a problem."

"oh really?" he teased.

"baby, i love you so much and i'm so sleepy," you pouted, touching your temples as you started to wind down and your headache set in. "please?" you begged. you sat on a nearby bench just off from the bar.

"i'm kidding, baby, i'm already on my way."

"you the best," you wore a tired smile on your lips now, your head tilted to the side. you were excited to see him again now that he was on his way. "hey— wait! you can't talk and drive!"

you heard his laugh on the other end. "bye! don't talk to strangers. i'll be there soon."

"bye," you dragged out the word before hanging up. you sat quietly for a moment, embracing the fresh air and thinking about your boyfriend. it was good. you felt happy.

it'd been a while since you got off the phone with oscar, you'd spent that time talking the ear off of the bouncer on the door. though he seemed to appreciate having someone to talk to, or so you thought. so you kept talking until someone approached you, touching your shoulder. the cold touch made you jolt away. you saw an unfamiliar face. you frowned, shrugging his hand off your shoulder.

"you're pretty," he blurted out. you snorted. "can i buy you a drink?"

you turned to the bouncer who was watching the encounter unfold, knowing full well you'd just spent the past half hour talking to him about how amazing your boyfriend was. you rolled your eyes and the bouncer shook his head.

"i'm quenched, thank you though," you wore an innocent smile, looking over his shoulder hoping oscars car would pull up so you could go home. you were pretty exhausted now.

"come on, beautiful," he touched your waist and you quickly pushed his hand away. he looked butt hurt about your rejection. he huffed and rolled his eyes. "slut," he mumbled under his breath before moving away from you.

you snorted at the comment, shouting after him as he walked away. "asshole."

"boys!" you turned to the bouncer who was watching with amusement. "they're the worst, right?"

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