fat. oscar

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you were fat. you were fat and sad. and he wasn't back yet so you continued to wallow, sitting on the floor in front of your full length mirror. your ankles were swollen so big you felt like an elephant. your boobs didn't seem to stop growing, along with your stomach, you felt like a beached whale. you frowned, tears in your eyes just as you heard the front door close. he was trying to be quiet but you could hear everything.

"i got the oreos and the salted caramel ice cream but i couldn't find any pouring cream so i had to get squirty cream instead—" he froze when he saw you. the plastic bag hung in his hand as he looked up and saw you pouting, tears in your eyes. "mami, what happened?" he was immediately concerned. he dropped the bag on the floor and rushed over to you. "did you get pains again?"

you shook your head. the look on your face was priceless. "then what is it? what's wrong, baby?" his hand instinctively moved to your stomach which was pretty big now. you were close to popping.

"i tried to grab my hair brush to brush my hair with but i fell on my ass and now i can't get up again," you cried as you babbled on about how fat you were. "i'm so fat. this stupid baby is making me fat and she's making me cry."

oscar released a breath of relief, glad there was nothing seriously wrong with you. just hormones again. "you're not fat, mami, you're pregnant."

you shook your head, sobbing some more. "i don't wanna be pregnant anymore. i need to pee all the time and my boobs are sore and my feet are swollen and i'm fat!" oscar carefully placed himself behind you, pulling your back against his chest and wrapping his arms around you. his hands moving back to your stomach. he kissed the top of your head, letting you cry about how uncomfortable you were.

you often cried about how fat you were getting but you couldn't help it, oscar knew that. he just let it happen, he would hold you and call you beautiful until your hormones weren't raging as much. he was a pro at dealing with you whilst pregnant, he's had months to perfect it.

you were grateful for oscar. you didn't know where you'd be without him. probably crying by yourself about how fat you were. he made you feel safe and looked after and comfortable when you let him.

"i love you so much," you hiccuped, your head leaning back against his chest as his lips pressed against your neck. "i don't want you to not love me anymore."

"nena," he cooed, shushing you. "i'm always gonna love you. not matter what. kay?"

you hiccuped again. he watched your sad face in the reflection of the mirror. he knew it was just the hormones making you think like this but he still wanted you to feel loved.

your lip quivered. "but— but you said you fell in love with me 'cause of my ass," tears filled your eyes again as you looked at him in the mirror. he was trying not to laugh. you were upset, it wasn't funny. he knew you'd think this whole conversation was funny a few months down the line when the baby was out of you and not making you act crazy. "my ass is fat now."

he stifled a laugh but you caught it. "this baby is ruining my life." you cried a little bit more. he knew you didn't mean it. you wanted this baby more than anything. you were just uncomfortable in your body, because of the baby.

"hey—hey—" he shushed you again, his hands stroking your belly which was a sure-fire way to calm you down. "bebe, your ass is unreal. like, out of this world."

you were quiet for a minute, your head leaning against his arm as he held you close. you were tired he could tell, you needed to calm down, eat your ice cream and get some sleep. it was routine now. "you think?"

he nodded. "oh yeah, mami, i'd still tap that."

you broke out a small chuckle. your cheeks were flushed pink from all the crying you'd done. you breathed a big sigh, calming down the longer you relaxed in oscar's embrace.

"you ok, baby?" you nodded softly. you just wanted him to hold you, he was so good at it. "love you, hermosa."

you wore a small smile, your eyes now tired after your emotional episode. "love you so— so much, osc." you sighed, squeezing his arm you were holding onto. "how are you so good at this?" you said quietly.

"i just want you to be happy, mami," he said. you nodded. you appreciated him more than ever the later you got into your pregnancy. you knew oscar would be a good dad. he brought up cesar and he turned out to be the best kid you knew. you couldn't wait to see him with your daughter.

"this kids lucky she's got you." you smiled, warming oscars heart the more you spoke.

"she's lucky her mami is so strong."

your eyebrows furrowed slightly, sniffling. "i love you so much." you clung to him tighter than before. "i don't know what i'd do without you."

"lucky for you, i ain't going anywhere." he smiled softly, looking down at you. you were watching him with tears in your eyes. being pregnant made you very emotional. you cried all the time. you cried one time when you dropped the remote control. you were a bit of a mess all the time. but oscar stuck by you through all of it. he kissed your forehead, you smiled still with tears in your eyes. "mi alma."

something a little bit different but we stan soppy oscar

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