bet on me pt.2. oscar

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"hey," you whipped your head around, hearing his familiar voice. you hadn't spoken in weeks, and you hadn't realised how much you missed him till he was standing in front of you. he wore a soft smile, it warmed your heart to see him again.

"hey, cesar," you smiled. he was with his friends, who'd all walked ahead, leaving you two alone.

you'd been on pretty good terms with cesar when you were dating his brother. he liked having you around the house, he used to joke about how much nicer oscar was when you were around. you didn't think he really meant it. he was just being nice.

you choked out a laugh when you were both quiet for a moment, the tension was heavy between the two of you. "y'gonna give me a hug or what?" you teased. cesar ducked his head, smiling before opening his arms and engulfing you in a tight hug. he reminded you so much of his brother.

"how're you? how's school?" you were genuinely interested. you knew cesar struggled sometimes trying to balance his school work with everything he had going on with the gang.

"uh— good. both good," he wore a soft smile. you could tell he didn't really know what to do or say around you anymore. it kind of hurt. but it was expected.

"good— look i gotta run. i'm meeting someone," a lie. but he didn't need to know that. you just didn't want to make him feel like he had to stand here and talk to you. so you shot him another friendly smile. he nodded. "it was nice to see you."

"you too, y/n," you could tell there was something up but you didn't push it. it wasn't your business. you playfully punched his shoulder before turning away from him again.

"see ya later, kid," you waved, continuing your walk home. you took a deep breath. you weren't expecting to bump into anyone today, never mind cesar. but before you got too far away you heard him call your name.

"yeah?" you were facing him again now, waiting for him to say something. he looked uncomfortable. his eyes shifted around a lot. "hey— what's wrong?" your eyebrows knitted softly, your hand lifting to rest on his shoulder.

"do you think you could speak to him?" your face softened. you didn't need clarification, you already knew who he was talking about.

"cesar—" you were quick to turn him down. your hand dropping from his shoulder now.

"i know, he's an asshole," he stepped closer to you. his arms reaching out to you. you gulped. "but i just think you two need to talk."

you'd tried not to think about it. weeks had passed and you felt like you were really getting somewhere. you felt like you were starting to move on from the whole thing. you couldn't go back on yourself now. you were feeling happy again. you didn't need to speak to him now, and ruin everything.

you'd come to the conclusion not long after that night, that oscar must've liked you. his feelings were real and everything between you was real. you'd convinced yourself it was all genuine, otherwise you were sure you'd go insane. oscar wasn't a cruel person, he wouldn't've strung you along like that if he hadn't felt something. but it didn't change anything. he made you feel like a piece of meat. you didn't want to be around someone who made you feel like that. someone that would do something like that in the first place.

"we talked, cesar," you shook your head. "i don't have anything else to say to him."

he looked deflated. you felt bad. you would do anything for that kid, he was one of the nicest people you knew. but you couldn't do this for him. it was too much.

"i know he regrets what he did," he admitted. you shook your head, stepping away from him.

"that's on him," you shrugged. "i gotta go— sorry i can't help," quickly, and before he could argue with you again, you turned away and left him alone.

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