dead. oscar

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you knew what was coming as soon as you walked in. you knew what his reaction would be. you winced, clutching your side. you'd been holding in your tears for most of the walk home but as soon as you got through the door, you cracked.

his head snapped in your direction, his heart racing when he saw the state you were in. you were walking closer to where he sat with other santos members around him. blood dripping from your nose, your face contorted as you started to cry.

"osc—oscar." his eyes were wide and furious. he was straight over to you, his friends sitting in shock of you. no one dared even touch you, they knew this. it was common knowledge that you were oscar's girl. whoever did this, was already dead.

his hands hovered over your face for a split second, he hesitated as he took in the full extent of your injuries. someone jumped you. "who— what— what happened?" he cupped your face, checking out your nose for any breaks but he saw none, just lots of blood. you cried harder when he spoke to you. his heart was breaking but his anger was untameable at this point. "hey— baby, who do this? who did it? hm? i'll kill 'em. give me a name, now."

his head was all over the place. he wanted to tend to you but he wanted to put a bullet in the head of the person who did this to you. he could feel you shaking, you shook your head. "pro—prophets— i was walking home when they— they pulled up."

your lip was quivering, oscars jaw clenching. his hands moved to your waist and you flinched. eyebrows furrowed, he lifted your shift carefully, noticing a sizeable bruise forming on your ribs. he stepped back, running a hand over his face. he was furious. "names. give me names, mami."

his voice was low, demanding. you reached out, your arms wrapping round his torso, clinging to him. you could hear his heart pounding. he held you, his face tucked into your neck, his heavy breaths felt against your skin.

you pulled away slightly, his arms still holding you. you described the car and the three prophets who'd rolled up on you. "i—i don't know their names— i didn't recognise them." you shook your head, hiccuping as you calmed down. the initial shock of it all had set you off but you were ok. you could manage.

"hombres," he called to the other santos members who sat waiting for their orders. his eyebrows were knitted tight, his lips pulled into a tight line. they all knew what was coming next. "we're out. pack up and get out. now." they all did as he said, gearing themselves and heading outside where they waited for oscar who still held onto you tight.

"mami," you looked at him with sad eyes. your cheeks were pink, blood still staining you nose and mouth. oscar pulled you into the kitchen, sitting you down on one of the chairs. he routed through the freezer before pulling out a bag of peas. he handed them to you. "press that to your stomach. ok? keep it there, even if it gets too cold. it'll help." he turned his back, now digging through the cupboards, pulling out some bandages, gauze, cloths and whatever he could find. he soaked the cloth in hot water before returning to you. he was a pro at this. he knew what helped. he just didn't think he'd ever need to use any of this shit on you.

he crouched down in front of you, he held one hand to your face and started cleaning up the blood with the damp cloth with the other. you cringed when he dabbed too hard, and he mumbled a soft apology. you noticed his hands shaking slightly, his jaw still tightly clenched as he finished cleaning up your face. "it's not broken," he ducked his head. "puts these up there to stop the bleeding and i'll be back ok?" he handed you some cotton wool to put up your nose and stop anymore bleeding.

you grabbed his hand as he stood up to leave. "do you have to go?" you frowned. it was breaking his heart to look at you like that. he looked away for a split second.

"they gotta pay," he tensed. he huffed. "i'm gonna call cesar, ok? he'll come stay with you. but i gotta go handle this. they're not getting away with this."

your eyelashes fluttered. you knew what he meant, you knew what he was going to do. you had to let him do it. you wouldn't be able to stop him no matter how hard you tried. you often turned a blind eye to that part of oscar's life. you preferred not to get involved.

you nodded, mumbling a soft ok. he leaned down, kissing your forehead gently. "go lay down, ok? i'll be back soon." you nodded again. he pressed his forehead against yours before letting go.

"i love you." you mumbled before he could leave. "be careful, please."

"love you." he turned away and left. you knew cesar would be here soon, but while you were alone you let yourself cry some more, stuffing your nose with cotton wool and laying down in your shared bed with the frozen peas resting on your ribs. you just wanted him to come back in one piece. you tried not to think about it but it was hard not to.

it was late when oscar returned. you and cesar spent the last couple hours talking and watching tv and eating. he was good company when he was around, he kept your mind off things. but when you heard the door unlock, your breath caught in your throat. you'd seen oscar is worse states but it still hurt. he walked past you both, he huffed, running a hand over his face. you nudged cesar, and he took the hint, leaving the two of you alone. you moved from the sofa into the kitchen. you touched his arm, trying to urge him to turn around.

"oscar," you mumbled. he turned to face you, his anger was still evident. his jaw clenched and eyebrows knitted tight. you also noticed a purple bruise forming on his cheekbone, and a couple of cuts, a pretty big one above his eyebrow, and another just on his collarbone. you didn't like that he'd gotten himself like this because of you. "you ok?" you were barely speaking above a whisper. you were careful with what you were saying, you knew how angry he was. you also knew how much oscar hated dealing with these things. you knew he wanted out. he didn't want this life anymore. you could see the mix of emotions in his expression.

he nodded. he glanced at you, his eyes lingering as you walked to the cupboard, pulling out a cloth and soaking it with warm water. you stood in front of him again, beginning to clean the cut on his face.

"i'm sorry," you mumbled, your lip quivered uncontrollably. "it's my fault all this happened." you didn't look him in the eyes but you could feel him watching you. his hands grabbed your wrist to stop you tending to him.

"don't." he threw the cloth aside, wrapping his arms around you. he was just glad you were here and you were safe. that's all that mattered to him right now. "you're safe. ok? you don't need to worry about 'em again."

you frowned, leaning your head against his chest once more. you tried not to think about it too much. you just nodded, letting him run his fingers through your hair. "i love you."

"i love you, mami." he mumbled, his head tucked into your neck. he pulled back slightly, your arms still wrapped around him tight. he moved his hands to either side of your face. "tu eres mi alma. nobody's ever gonna hurt you again. ok?"

he pressed his lips to yours gently, careful not to hurt you. he couldn't bare to lose you.

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