15 / Surviving

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Day - 80

The two lucky yet unfortunate soul bundle up inside the house. Once in a while they could hear the beast growling at a distance and the crying sound of the poor animals.

"How many of them do you think there is?", Hyejoo ask in fear. She hug her knees and cry quietly.

"Hopefully just one. But why does it only hunt us now? We've been in this island for more than two months already"

Their first and last meal with a meat happen too fast than they hope. The hunting for the next item became more of them getting hunted. Their basket of fruits getting emptier day by day.

They both had a lot of questions that neither of them could answer. They thought at first they are quiet lucky to survive the plane crash but becoming a dinner to the beast is the most horrifying death that could ever happened to them.

"What are we going to do now?"

Wooyoung turn towards the dishearted girl and put a hand in her shoulder making her look up.

"We have survived this far come on, we have to fight back"

Hyejoo laugh at the last word. "We are no fighter Wooyoung".

"We may be a daughter of the richest man on earth or the most popular singer but in here, we are nothing Shin Hyejoo. We have to fight for our life. We have to become a fighter"

She raises her head up and look at him in the eye. "When did you become so mature?"

They laugh for a while, forgetting their life is at risk and held each other's hand.

"We'll fight this together"

They no longer have a time to think about their home back in Seoul or their future of getting back. Their only goal is to survive the present. For someone who lived with maids and servant her whole life, Hyejoo find it hard to believe the conditions she was in. And also the fact that her only companion is the childish idol who turns mature in a blink of an eye.

They sit in a comfortable silence while leaning on each other. They only have each other and they've come to realized that they need to work together in order to survive now, because their life not only revolves around fighting over just fruits anymore.

It was the chilly morning and rain started pouring even before the sun could rise. They finished their last meal on the basket and look at each other. They're gonna have to go out and pluck more fruits as much as they can but even to do that, they have to deal with the beast now.

The rain was so heavy that the tree branches couldnt even hold on for their dear life and fell on the ground. Wooyoung slowly open the door while holding the spear in his other hand and carefully poke his head out to see their surroundings.

"I think its gone!", he talk loudly to the girl because of the heavy rain.

"But what if its back?", Hyejoo ask scaredly.

"Its either we die of hunger or die trying"

They hold hand and walk out in the rain, making it pour over them as they become soaked in a minute. The nearest fruit they could find is the peaches and the apples just for their luck.

"I'll climb on the tree and you pick whatever you can reach from the ground!", Wooyoung shout and began climbing through the rain making it slippery that he had to try a few times before he can actually reach the branches.

Their basket became almost full when the rain slowed down and their heartbeat quickened.

"Wooyoung!", Hyejoo didnt even need to shout for Wooyoung to hear her anymore as he came climbing down again.

"Lets get back!", he took the basket from her hand and they ran back. The rain stop on their way and they can hear the beast on the distance again. It was definitely making its way back towards them.

"Shit! Run!", Wooyoung shout and held the girls hands tightly before pulling her with him. Unlike his sporty and long leg, the girl cannot keep in track with him and she curse under her breath.

The house came in view and so did the beast. Its brownish red fur visible between the bushes as they finally opened the door to their house and jump in making the beast to clamper its claws on the door again.

"That was close!", Hyejoo breath out and laugh a little.

"I think I can get used to this!", Wooyoung join the laugh.

As much as the situation was not funny, they cant help but find laughter in their misery. How they have to risk their life just to get a basket of fruits when they could order in a snap of their fingers if it was before.

"I'll light a fire, lets dry our clothes and make us warm up so that we dont get a cold"

Hyejoo said between gritted teeth from the cold and began lighting the fire, just like she did before.

Stranded - Jung WooyoungWhere stories live. Discover now