Bears. 01

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Ricky and Nini, Age 6.

Richard POV:
(He has a lisp which makes it difficult for him to pronounce his A's)

Richard Bowen firmly shook his head, side to side, and spun around on his little barstool. 'No, mommy, I don' winni go to school!' His mother Lynne, sighed in desperation, and set the bowl and spoon she had in her hand down on the kitchen counter. She didn't know what to do with this boy. Geez, he could be really stubborn sometimes, just like his dad.

As Lynne cleaned up the kitchen, while he played with a red fire truck on the floor, going 'vroom, vroom!', she got an idea. 'Richard, why don't we get you a teddy bear? You can take it to school with you.'

He got up and jumped around excitedly, at the thought of having his own cuddly bear and agreed enthusiastically, practically dragging Lynne out the Bowen door.

Before dropping him off to school, they stopped by the build a bear store. She got off the seat went over to his side, and unbuckled the seat belt he had on. Richard immediately took off, running away from Lynne and that stiff old seat booster. He ran inside the huge store, and took a second to look around. There were a lot of bears on display, and so many other kids like him were hugging bears and walking around.

Lynne came in, after parking the car, and took a hold of Richard's hand. He went around with his mom, in the aisles and started working on his bear. He grabbed a light beige bear, stuffed it and, with his mother's help, finally finished within 20 minutes.

Richard hugged the bear tightly and happily after the billing was done and walked to the car with a proud smile on his face. 'Hello Frinklin.' He muttered happily to the bear, with a pair of glasses and red converses.

Recess in kindergarten
Richard was swinging on the swings with his bear, squealing happily whenever they went up in the air. The other kids were playing in the sand and on the see-saw. A big and burly boy, Cody saw Richard with the fluffy bear and took an instant liking to it. He wanted to play with it and keep it for himself no matter what. He walked up to Richard and tried to yank the bear (away) from him, yelling 'I want it. Give it to me'

Richard hugged his Franklin with all the force his five year old body could muster, not budging an inch. Cody kept yelling and trying to pull away the bear, but Richard bravely didn't let go, and even kicked Cody a few times. He loved Franklin. Cody got frustrated. Richard pulled back his bear and hugged it tight.

Nina was sitting on the see saw, eating her sandwich, when she saw the 'meanie' trying to pluck a teddy bear from a cute boy, with honey brown curls. 'Meanie' is the name Nina had given him after he pushed her when she was going to Ms. Jennifer's class. Nina kept her sandwich down, dusted her hands and walked to the swings purposefully, to teach him a lesson.

Richard didn't let go of his bear when he saw a small brunette girl walking towards them. She came up to them and looked Cody in the eye and said loudly, clearly annoyed by his presence. 'Find your own bear, Meanie.'

she pushed his hands away from the bear and glared at him to go away. Cody stared at her and sulked and later walked away. Richard gave her a warm smile and said 'Thinks. My nime is Richird.'

She smiled back at him. 'My name is Nina' 'Nini?' 'No, my name is Nina.' 'Nin-i- uh- nini? I'm sorry.' 'Hm, it's okay, since my name is Nini, I should give you one too.. Hmm'.

She thought for a second, placing her hands on her hips, looking away into the distance. 'Richie..Ricky.. I will call you Ricky from now on.. Richard sounds like grandpa's name.' Ricky looked pleased. 'Icky, I like thit nime!'

There was some awkward silence between both of them. Then Ricky spoke up. 'Who wis thit?' asked Ricky, turning to her, as she sat down in the swing next to him. 'Meanie. He pushed me when I was going to class. Rude.' she replied and curled her lips in distaste.

Ricky laughed at the name Nini had given that boy who had tried to steal Frinklin. 'What's so funny?' 'Meenie Beenie.' Ricky said and laughed hysterically, and Nini giggled. 'Think you, Nini. Frinklin siys thinks too.' the boy beamed, with a shy lopsided smile.

He brought Franklin in between both of them and held out Franklin's hand, and said in a squeaky voice, 'Think you, sweet Nini.' Nini gave him a polite smile, shaking Franklin's hand with her own. 'You are very welcome Franklin.'

Ricky held out his hand with a goofy grin, 'Friends?' Nini shook his hand and grinned, one that matched his. She shared her sandwich with him and he let her play with Franklin. And from that day on, they were known as Ricky and Nini, the inseparable duo.

I am open to all your suggestions and requests.. so drop a comment below and vote if you liked the story so far! Voting hardly takes a second but it means a lot to me!
Much more to come!
See you on the next one!
As always, all my love,
WC: 918 words.
Published on 27th August 2020.

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