Deep breaths. 18

430 22 47

'Ricky I'm pregnant'
'Wait, who is this?' Ricky asked, confused and his eyes scanned the screen for the contact name, hoping that it wasn't just that one person. 'Mom?' 'Yes, Ricky, it's me and I'm pregnant' Ricky dropped the phone in shock. The phone fell to the ground with a thud and Big Red rushed upstairs, his hands full of snacks, wondering what made such a loud sound. Ricky's mom's voice echoed throughout the room. 'Ricky, I didn't plan for this to happen, but it did. Besides, Todd has promised to stay with me the whole time.. Ricky? Richard? Richard Michael Bowen, answer right now. Richard? Big red kneeled down and ended the call. Ricky's face had turned pale, his eyes were fixed on the wall in front of him, his hands trembling. Big red sat down on the bed next to him. 'Ricky, are you okay?' 'How can I be, Red, my mom.. she-' he let out a loud frustrated sigh, 'It's just a lot. I need some time. I'll be back.' Ricky said and got up and stormed out of the house.

'Yeah, he's not here, I searched for him everywhere, its been 3 hours already!' Big red almost shouted into the phone, startling the person on the other end. The whole gang was worried. 'Where could he have gone?' 'Did he mention where he was going?' The gang FaceTimed and discussed where he could have gone as they roamed the streets in pairs, looking for Ricky. Nini was looking for Ricky near a skate park, when she got a brainwave. 'Guys, I think I have a vague idea of where he might have gone, I'll call you guys back' she said and ended the call and rushed to the spot. She sighed in relief when she saw the familiar curly haired silhouette. Ricky was sitting on the edge of the cliff, his fingers running through his curls. Nini walked to him and sat down, next to him. Ricky saw her sit down next to him, but didn't move. He stared at the view in front of him sadly. She chuckled lightly and he turned to her, an eyebrow raised. 'What's so funny?' 'Just that of everywhere you could go, you came here and I somehow knew where you'd be.' He smiled sadly. 'So, what's going on at home Ricky?' 'My mom..' he hesitated for a moment, and continued 'she's pregnant. And it's just a .. lot. I really can't deal with everything right now, with mom and Todd, Dad being sad, Liam and Emily coming to visit..' Ricky trailed off and looked away. She felt her heart drop when she heard.. Nini bit her lower lip slightly, deep in thought. Ricky's mom is pregnant? Whoa! Pretty sure she moved out like a month ago.. what? Nini then moved closer and took his hand in hers. 'I know, things are different right now, it's something you are not used to, but thats all it is right, different?' He sighed sadly 'I guess so.' 'Look, Ricky, whatever happens, I'm here okay..? You know that right? ' 'Yeah' he replied and nodded his head slightly. 'Do you maybe wanna go back? The others were worried sick.' 'Yeah, okay. I wanna show you something too' he said and got up and gave her his hand. She took his hand and stood up and dusted her jeans. As they walked back, Ricky hummed a tune and the metal ring on his finger reflected the sunlight. She smiled to herself as they went back. The group talked to Ricky continuously and even had a group hug when Ricky announced that he was going home. Nini offered to take him home and they agreed. Once they were home, Ricky relaxed on the sofa. What a day it had been. Nini sat next to him. 'What did you wanna show me?' 'Oh that..' he said, realizing something, ran upstairs, and came down with his brown acoustic guitar. 'I wrote a song almost a year ago, I think, and I wanted to know what you think of it.' 'Okay, let's see it then.' He lifted his guitar up and strummed a tune and sang

It's like I'm frozen
Here in this moment
Right before falling, through the ice
I'm suspended
My whole world is ending
And all that you said was, goodbye.
What am I to say?
If your mind is made?
I can't let you go that easily
Seasons come and seasons go
But don't you know that it's supposed to be
You and me forever, Emily.

What do you think? He asked eagerly after he was done. 'I have one question. 'Who's Emily?' Nini asked, in a vague British accent. 'Maya. There was this time when both of us went roller skating and then we went for ice cream. We were standing in the queue when an old lady walked up to us and she's like 'Emily, do you know where the nearest grocery store is?' Maya just laughed and gave her the directions. The grandma even said she looked like an 'Emily'. It's an inside joke.' he said and laughed softly to himself.  'What about the ice part?' Nini asked, taking in all this information. 'Oh, we went to this private club thing her dad owns. We went figure skating, of sorts.' 'So, why this sad song?' 'Her dad didn't approve of us much and also, I was moving back to SLC. We broke up, its for the best.' Ricky said, sighing sadly. 'Do you still like her?' She asked, knowing the answer. 'I kinda do. But there is someone else. I don't know everything's so confusing right now..'

𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫 - 𝖆 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖎 𝖆𝖚Where stories live. Discover now