Confessions. 20

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Ricky felt himself move to the door, and he knocked softly, and said in almost a whisper 'Hey, Neens? Can I come in?' She looked at him, her mouth open, wordlessly. 'What?' she whispered. 'Can I come in?' he asked, moving one step front. 'Uhhh, yeah.' she said, and rubbed her cheeks with the sleeves of her shirt, not wanting him to see that she'd been hurting. But he saw, and decided not to talk about it, and sat down on the bed next to her. 'Where's Nini?' he asked, trying to lighten up the mood. 'What do you mean? I'm Nini.' she said, not fully understanding. 'Nice try, Paige. But I'm not falling for that, again.' he said, as a smile grew on both their faces. She laughed, and shook her head. 'Come on, Ricky, I'm Nini.' 'Yeah, I know. I could recognise you anywhere, Neens, even in the largest crowd.' he said, smiling at her. He saw the most perfectly imperfect strand of hair, and leaned forward and tucked it behind her ear. There was a silence while he did so. 'Is that why you thought that Paige was me, the other day?' she asked, jokingly. 'Hey! No fair! I- She told you, didn't she?' 'It might have slipped along with a few other things.' she said, shrugging and looking away.

They sat in an awkward silence. The tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Nini hoped that Ricky hadn't seen her cry, or sing. Ricky desperately wanted to talk to her and comfort her. He wanted to see Nini genuinely happy again, not hurting on the inside. Nini was still upset about Ricky and Maya, but didn't let it bother her.

'So, where's Maya?' she asked, in a tone Ricky had never heard before. 'She's resting.' he replied, monotonously. 'Oh okay.' she said and looked away, anywhere but his eyes. He grabbed an unopened can of soda sitting on her table, and opened it, sipping on it, as Nini played some random tunes on her piano.

'Wrote anything new lately?' he inquired, between sips. 'No, uhh couldn't find the time.' she bluffed, her vague British accent showing through. He noted that, and knew it was a bluff, because he had heard her sing two completely new songs. They made some small talk, and Ricky recounted many incidents that took place in Chicago, carefully not mentioning Maya, because he had noticed the way Nini spoke to him about her, and instantly regretted singing songs and laughing at their inside jokes.

'So, umm, are you guys back together?' she asked, hesitantly looking at him for a reply. Ricky choked on his drink, when he heard her question. Nini's eyes widened. 'Oh, uh I'm sorry I shouldve known-' He kept the can down in silence.

'Neens I-' 'I know, its okay, you don't have to explain anything to me-' 'Nina Grace Salazar-Roberts. Will you just let me explain everything?' She leaned her head back against the head board, crossed her arms and nodded.

'Look, Nini, I don't exactly know how to tell you this. But here goes. Neens, I've liked you since you picked up the ukulele I gave you for your birthday, and played a song about clouds. A silly little song about clouds. I knew. And when I ate your science project, you weren't mad at me, at all. No, you were concerned, whether I'd be okay. And that night, because you couldn't sleep, you came down, and hugged me and slept next to me.. that was the most comfortable I could have ever been. Remember, I knocked down your lemonade stand, you just laughed it off and moved on, Neens, that's when I knew I met the most kind, and most caring person in the world. Remember our 'date'?' he asked, making quotation marks with his fingers. She nodded, a smile on her face, as tears of joy welled up in her eyes. 'That night in the tree house, our tree house, that was something else. And when we kissed, I- It was perfect.. just...magical. I've made so many many mistakes, Nini that you have forgiven me for, and that evening, when we watched the sunset, I wasn't really watching the sunset, Neens, I was admiring something much more beautiful - You. I was stupid to think that I could leave everything and everyone behind, and come back and expect everything to be the way it was. I burned up on the inside, seeing you with EJ, but a part of me, wanted to let you go, because you deserve the world, and if that meant that I wouldn't be in it, just to see you happy, I'd be okay not to. Chicago was a whole new experience, a change. But there was always something constant. You, Nini, you. I couldn't come to terms with our break up, and I- I-' he faltered nervously, his heart beat increasing rapidly.

Nini moved closer to him, a wide smile on her face, intertwining her fingers in his, while tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. 'I dated Maya for a while, to distract myself, but it didn't know why?' 'Why?' she asked in almost a whisper.
'Because she wasn't you, Neens. The memories we have together, it keeps running on and on in my head..I just-' Ricky trailed, looking at her eyes, as she looked at him in pure happiness. Something he hadn't seen in a long time. He was running out of breath, and inhaled.

I was wrong about him the whole time, she thought to herself.

'Neens, today, I was here.. and I heard you singing..' 'Oh, Ricky I-' 'No, Nini, I know. I've hurt you, a lot. But all I ever wanted to say was I love you, Nini, I always will. And even if it means me staying away from you, then fine. All I ever want is to see you happy.

I love you, Nini to the moon and back, but if it ruins our friendship-' he said trailing away unsure of her response, and nervously looking down, fiddling with the metal ring she had given him. Nini wiped away her tears when he was speaking and moved closer and closer to him as he spoke.

This boy, he's too oblivious.

Her face was now inches away from his, noses almost touching. Ricky noticed this, and his heart started pounding really loudly, that he was afraid she could hear it. His hands turned clammy, and his mind went blank. He leaned in, and crashed her lips against his, as she kissed back eyes closed, her hand went to his cheek stroking it gently. Nini could feel his fingers holding her chin, and his other hand wrapped around her waist tightly. The moment their lips touched, fireworks set off in her body, and his. A warm feeling filled up his chest, and he never wanted to let go. She ran her fingers through his soft brown curls, as he intensified the kiss. In that kiss was the sweetness of passion, a million loving thoughts condensed into a moment. They broke away for air, and she rested her forehead on his. They sat like that in a comfortable silence.

'Hey Ricky?' 'Hmm?' he said, admiring her, again. 'I love you too.' 'Neens, I don't wanna rush you.. you just got out of a relationship, and I don't wanna mess things up. How about we take things slow? Live in the moment, you know?' 'Sounds like a plan.' Nini said, smiling at him, crazy happy. 'Glad to have you back, Ricky' 'Hey, I came here almost two weeks ago, Neens.' he said, jokingly. She whacked his arm playfully, and rolled her eyes. 'You know that's not what I meant.' He chuckled to himself. 'Hey, I want you to promise me something.' 'Okay..?' 'No more sad songs, okay? It hurts more than you know..' 'I can't promise that Ricky, who knows what can happen?' 'Well, then I'll make you a promise. I promise to do anything it takes to keep that silly smile on your face.' he said with his lop sided grin. Nini smiled and shook her head. 'Still haven't lost the cheesy touch, eh, Richard?' 'Cheese.. hmm that reminds me.. who could have possibly laughed really hard that they snorted milk in second grade?' 'Ugh, Come on Ricky that was one time! Besides..' 'Now that I remembered that, I should probably tell the gang.' Ricky teased, taking his phone. 'No! Give me that!' she said, pouting. He got up and ran around the room, as she chased him laughing hard, for his phone. He stumbled and fell down, pulling Nini down with him. They both were out of breath, but they leaned in again, closing the gap between them, for the second time that hour, the kiss as special and magical as their first.

More to come!
Also go check out chapter 6 in Ranger Trials! :)
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Love you all!
As always, all my love,

𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫 - 𝖆 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖎 𝖆𝖚Where stories live. Discover now