Breaks. 13

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'What's wrong Neens?' he said, getting up. ' Ricky.. I just can't.. I'm sorry Ricky, please just leave.'
Ricky sighed sadly. He got up from her bed and walked to her 'Are you sure about that?' he asked sadly. She looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with him. He bit the inner part of his cheek and then picked up his stuff and left, gently closing the door behind him. Once the door closed, Nini completely broke down. She could hold the heartbreak no longer and she fell to the comfort of her bed, in a disheveled heap, as all her sadness poured out in an uncontrollable flood of tears.

Next day.

Nini walked in trying to blend in with the lockers today as she was avoiding a particular someone. Ashlyn came up behind her and greeted her cheerfully. She noticed the girl's puffy red eyes and was immediately concerned

'Nini are you okay? What happened?' she said and placed her hand on Nini's shoulder. Nini just shrugged off her hand and sighed 'I'm fine, Ashlyn.' Kourtney came out of nowhere, expecting to see a joyful and bubbly Nini as always, but was greeted by a rather dull, gloomy and depressed one. Ashlyn looked at her knowingly. 'Who did this to you? Is it that Kaiser guy? Cause I swear to god, If he did anything to you I'm gonna-' 'No, no Kourt, I'm fine. There's nothing to be worried about.' 'Then please explain, why you looked like you bauled your eyes out last night and didnt sleep a wink' Kourtney asked, a tad bit angry at whoever did this to Nini.

Ricky came in whistling, and then spotted Nini huddled near the lockers with Ashlyn and Kourtney. She looked.. devastated. A part of him wanted to rush to her and hug her and hold her tight and comfort her and make her happy again. Another part argued that she might have told them what happened and decided against going to her. He walked past her, his eyes never leaving hers. She broke eye contact, less than a second later and looked away, and talked to Ashlyn. He walked to class and sat down as if nothing ever happened, trying to forget last night.


She avoided him the whole time. The gang knew something was up. Nini was sitting between Carlos and Kourtney instead of sitting next to Ricky. She didnt eat a morsel and had completely zoned out. EJ noticed that. He and Nini had grown a little closer lately, and he could tell if something was bothering her. He ate, making a mental note, to check on Nini later. Ricky informed the gang that he would be moving to Chicago with his mom. Most of them were sad at first, but cheered up later. They all (except Nini) had their lunch and headed to class. She went to the music room early to write and play some songs to herself. She was scribbling some lyrics and singing it quietly to herself. She hadnt gotten it right yet, but she was humming to find a tune.

Cue: White Flowers by Olivia Rodrigo.

You're everything I cannot do without

I don't know who I would be
If I wasn't your baby

Now, crazy in love don't feel sweet
'Cause I'm with you but I miss me

Wish somebody had told me what I know now
Losing yourself in someone isn't Heaven, it's Hell

EJ stood there quietly near the doorway, listening to Nini sing. Nini felt someone staring at her and turned around. 'EJ? What are you doing here?' 'We don't have theatre rehearsals today and I was just passing by when I heard you sing.' 'Oh okay.' she said and turned back to the piano. He came and sat down next to her. 'Nini, Is everything alright?' he asked. 'Umm, yeah its good, why would you even ask that?' she said, in a vague British accent and nervously chuckled. ', you're doing that thing where you speak like in a vague British accent..' She bit her lip slightly. 'What's going on, Nini? I know you won't tell me, but you can trust me okay, I wont tell anyone.' 'Umm, its complicated' 'Is it like some girl stuff, then its okay, I'll call Ashlyn or Kourtney-'
'It's not that' she interjected 'Its just Ricky is moving to Chicago and I felt like I dont know, we were kinda moving too fast, you know, and now he's leaving..' 'Oh okay..' he said, 'If it makes you feel any better, I'll keep you company. You need a bucket of ice cream? I gotcha! You want to bingewatch something, Im here.' She smiled. 'Thanks EJ. For saving my life and being there for me.' He gave her his famous smile.


Weeks passed and it was the day Ricky was leaving. He was sitting in the airport, scrolling through photos of Nini and him. He missed those days. She had grown apart in those few weeks, avoiding conversations, walking away quickly when he went to try and talk to her. A tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly brushed it off with his sleeve and continued scrolling when he heard Carlos speaking to someone else. He turned his head and saw the gang gathering near the entrance and walking towards him. His eyes scanned the gang, in search of Nini, and his face dropped when he saw that she wasnt there. They all walked up to him and hugged him and chatted amongst themselves, taking pictures with him and giving him really thoughtful gifts. His eyes kept searching for her, but she was nowhere to be found. He nervously fiddled with his metal ring, thinking about the day he got it and smiled at the memory.

'Now boarding Flight A2011 to Chicago'

'Guess that's my cue guys. I'm gonna miss you all.' he said tears forming in his eyes. They all did a massive group hug, and were almost crying, when they heard the last call for all those boarding the flight. Ricky hugged everyone individually and thanked them for everything and swung his duffle bag over his shoulder and rolled his luggage away.
Nini stood behind a pillar, her eyes tracing Ricky's figure as he neared the boarding area. Her heart broke at the thought that she would not see him for at least 2 years. She brushed off her tears, and bit the inner part of her cheek.

Ricky set his phone to airplane mode and sighed sadly; he couldnt see her for the last time before he left. He really hoped to start afresh with her when he came back.

2 years later.

Nini and EJ, Sophomore year

Nini was in a desperate need of a coffee. She got up and rubbed her eyes. She saw a notification and opened it. It read:
EJ😘: Good morning, love ❤

She smiled to herself while she read it and replied and then headed to the bathroom. Her eyes widened remembering that she might be late for school, then a few seconds later, she realized it was a Sunday. She got dressed after a quick shower and went down. Both moms were out grocery shopping. She left a note on the fridge informing them that she was out for a quick coffee. She walked to the cafe.

It was a beautiful sunny day and she admired the view as she walked. She walked in, and was greeted  by the comforting smell of coffee and freshly baked goods. She went to the counter and ordered for a lemonade coffee and went and sat down. A few minutes later, her name was called and she went to pick up her  coffee. She took it from the counter and turned around, only to be bumped into by somebody. Her coffee spilled all over the floor. The other person's coffee spilt over the floor too. Nini brushed off her dress and looked at the person who was bending down. She (the other person) got up and both of them stood there, their mouths wide open in shock. What the hell?

This chapter is dedicated to my dear friends pagehsmtmtsfan bruhitznae and hsmtmtsxoxo
Thank you!
Also, thank you pagehsmtmtsfan for your suggestion! If you want a whole chapter dedicated to you, all you have to do is vote for this chapter and comment your answer for the question of the day.

See you on the next one!

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