Lemons. 03

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This chapter is dedicated to jamie_916 , bruhitznae and hsmtmtsxoxo ! Thank you for voting on the previous chapter(s)!

Ricky and Nini, 3rd grade.

'All of you will help out the needy by selling something small or going door to door with some cookies, and the money you earn will go them. You won't be doing it alone, so choose your partner.' said Mrs Applesbury, looking at the tiny third graders.
When it was Nini's turn to choose, she chose Ricky in a a heartbeat. Ricky smiled happily at her, from across the class.

Nini plopped down next to him in the grass,  her lunchbox in front of her. Ricky idly played with his food. She opened her lunchbox, ate a few small bites and turned to him, and asked 'What do you think we should sell? 'Ricky shrugged, and popped a fry in his mouth. 'I dont know, toys? But No Frinklin!' Nini laughed, and lightly smacked his arm, 'Of course not dummy!'

Mama C came back from work and sat down on the couch, with a loud sigh. Mama D was working a night shift today, so she wouldn't be home. Nini came running from her room and hugged her, 'Mama C you're home!' 'Nini! How was school?' Nini dropped her arms to her sides and said, 'It was okay... Ricky made me laugh a lot! But Mom, I need to sell something but I don't know what. Can you help me?'

'Okay honey, how about something easy?' Mama C looked around and saw lemons in the kitchen.'How about some lemonade? I will make some for you to sell later?' 'Okie dokie!' she said excitedly, and went to the room to make a sign for her stand. Then she took the cardboard sign to show Ricky. 'What do you think 'Icky? Can we make some money? ''It looks very nice.. I think we will mike lots of money!' he said, clapping his hands together.

Sunday morning.
Nini set up the lemonade stand on her yard and arranged all the cups and jugs and waited. Ricky arrived in his brand new cycle and said ' Nini, look, I got (a) new bike.'

Nini clapped happily, 'Yay, that is so nice, Ricky!' Ricky got down, grinning like a fool and parked it in the corner

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Nini clapped happily, 'Yay, that is so nice, Ricky!' Ricky got down, grinning like a fool and parked it in the corner. He then proceeded to help her make a few sales.

An hour later.

'Nini, I hive (have) to go home. I will come bick (back) in (a) few minutes. Nini sighed and then attended to a few more customers, serving them the refreshing drink for 30 cents a cup. Few even came back to get another glass of lemonade.

He came back a lot later, and parked his cycle and got down. 'Nini, sorry, mommy told me to do stuff. How much money did we get?' Nini carefully took out the box and opened the lid. There were lots of coins. She smiled proudly, she was proud of herself. 'So far, so good, Ricky.' Ricky smiled and said 'Wow Nini you are amazing!'

She took a break from selling and went home. Ricky stood there selling the lemonade. The heat was becoming unbearable. Ricky felt sultry standing there for a long time and went for a ride on his bicycle. Nini came back with an umbrella and some snacks, which Mama D had given her. She placed the umbrella above the stand, which gave her some respite from the shade. She started munching on some snacks. Ricky realised that he could speed down that road which was actually a slope. He cycled up to the top and then came rushing down, his legs in the air, sticking his tongue out, screaming 'Eeeeeeeeee'.

His cycle was going really fast and he was about to crash into the stand. He held the brakes but it was too late. His bike stood on one wheel for two seconds and then crashed the lemonade stand completely. The lemonade splattered all over Nini's dress, the lawn, Ricky's shirt, and his cycle. Nini was speechless for a minute then burst into laughter.

'I'm so sorry Nini, I didn't meen to ruin the stind.' 'You looked so funny when you were riding down that hill Ricky, but now the lemonade is all over the place! 'I will cleen it up Nini.' She laughed once again and shook her head. Ricky gave her a small smile. At least she wasn't upset. She picked up a packet of candy that her moms had given her. She opened it and took out some and held out her hand 'It's okay, here Ricky, Mama D told me to share some with you.' Ricky took the candy and popped everything in his mouth at once, making Nini laugh again. She ate some and then stuffed the packet in her pocket.

He got the weird feeling in his stomach, like there were a hundred butterflies in his stomach.. hearing Nini laugh, or even if she just smiled. He just ignored that feeling and helped her pick up the glasses and jugs and walked home with her, cycle in tow, smiling, knowing that this would be his favourite memory ever.

See you on the next one!
As always, all my love,

𝔉𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔤𝔞𝔦𝔫 - 𝖆 𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖎 𝖆𝖚Where stories live. Discover now