Chapter 51: The Calendar

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'There is simply nothing worse than knowing how it ends, And I meant everything I said that night, I will come back to life but only for you'

To say that Casa Elite was finally at peace was an understatement. Music filled the house almost every waking second and there hadn't been a fight since, well, the day that goes unspoken in such a house. Lilianna had fit herself into a routine that included getting Hannah ready for school, playing the piano for hours on end until her fingers hurt, and reading for the hours she didn't play. She had promised herself that she would make the best out of a situation and putting her emotions into music was doing her wonders. A part of her wondered if maybe her life would have been better all along if she had never stopped playing when her mother died.

The news was in a fit after the recent number of Elitist-based crimes that had taken place worldwide. Police had attempted to bust a weapons trade in Istanbul that ended up with many officers dead and even more injured. All of the tip-offs and documents that Barry Doleman had acquired had panned out in Terrence's favour despite all law enforcement efforts. Emmet Boseman was no closer to getting his case served in court. Once again, just as things had been before his arrest, everything was in the palm of Vendetta's inked up hands.

"I have a question!" Commodore announced from the dining table in the middle of lunch. Lilianna looked at him from her spot at the head of the table next to Terrence.

"And that is?" Jeremiah asked, handing Lilianna a napkin which she used to swipe carrot puree from Rochelle's face.

"Do you write your own music?" He directed his question to Lilianna. She shook her head slightly but stopped to think about the concept for a moment. She had never considered writing her own music. Composing was something she had never taken up in school but still, she could see how easy it would be for her to pick up and make use of it.

"I never thought about being a composer. No." She answered honestly.

"You should do it! I think you could make some really nice stuff. It would be a great pass time." He added with a smile, looking around to the rest of the Elitists for agreeance.

"Yeah, I think music is a passion you could really take far." Mikale nodded.

"I can't take it that far." She stopped them. "I can't leave the house, remember?"

"That's true, but I'm sure you could write some really good stuff, publish it online." Brett threw the idea out and more people nodded.

"Using what name? Everyone thinks I'm dead." She reminded them again.

"Use an alias." Casper shrugged.

"Maybe I just shouldn't publish anything. I'll write music but only for fun and I'll teach Hannah and eventually Rochelle. That is the extent of my musical expressiveness." She brushed off the topic, focusing back on the task of feeding Rochelle and eating her own lunch. An uneasy tension settled in throughout the room and no one knew exactly how to break it.

"The dishwasher is empty, put your dishes in there when you're done," Lilianna informed them, cleaning up the mess that Rochelle had made in her high chair before taking the baby and making her way out of the kitchen.

"Are you sure you want to take her? I can watch her for the afternoon!" Jeremiah called after her, she turned around for a moment and shook her head.

"No, I think I'll watch her today." Her response was blunt and void of emotion. As soon as she was out of hearing range Terrence shot the boys a dangerous look.

"What the hell?" He nearly yelled in frustration.

"We were just suggesting she try something new!" Brett defended them.

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