Chapter 9: why are you here

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'We are insane that's just the way it goes, I'm a demon in the night, She's an angel with the white'

Lilianna had never run so fast in her life. The time between exiting the viewing room and making it onto the jet was a blur. She was shaking in her seat, her mind racing with questions and the sound of Terrence's voice. It was amplifying her anxiety by tenfold and she had been in such a mad rush to escape the twins that morning she left her meds in the bathroom.

Running and hiding on the jet was becoming a habit that Lilianna wanted so desperately to rid of her life.

Hardy finally entered the jet. His heart was racing just like hers. Neither of them could understand how Terrence knew what was beyond that wall.

"It's not possible." She whispered, her legs tucked to her chest as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself. Hardy slumped into the seat across from her and ran a hand through his shaggy grey hair.

"I don't know how he did it, Anna. But we're gonna get you home where it's safe. He can't get hurt you in Gander." Hardy assured her.

But Lilianna knew that was far from true. If anything it was easier for Terrence to hurt her via proxy than it was for him in his own cell on his own terms. Mikale would gladly snap her neck once she stepped foot back in Gander- she had ruined his morning royally.

The realization of what she had done prior to the therapy session had started to settle in with the paranoia of Terrence Vendetta staring at her through the glass. There was the possibility that Mikale and Otis were sitting on the tarmac waiting for her and were ready to carry out a full execution. There was also the fear of what would happen if they were waiting for her to return home. No one would hear her scream inside her home as they did what the Elitist criminals did best... kill.

She pulled her phone from her bag and scrolled through her notifications. Otis had called once but left no voicemail. Commodore had texted her, why is mikale standing in the middle of the road like a psycho? Mikale had sent nothing.

The lack of concern from the three men made her heart race. Whatever they had planned for her was surely worse than death and she was terrified.

"I'm doomed." She sighed when she realized just how bad this day was going to get.

The plane landed and the two therapists stepped off. On the tarmac were the Range Rover and no signs of any other human. Lilianna sighed with relief knowing she was safe for a few more minutes and hurried to the car. She settled into the warm leather interior and let out a deep sigh. Her head fell forward and pressed against the steering wheel.

"You're fucking lucky I have a spare key."

Lilianna screamed and whipped around in her seat. On the opposite side in the back was Mikale. He looked ready to kill.

"You're lucky Vendetta loves you. Otherwise, I would shoot you dead right here right now on this fucking tarmac." He said lowly, his voice calm and unwavering. "You're very lucky, Lilianna. However, I'm still going to lay out some ground rules when we get home, do not think for one second that I'm-"

"I had to, you know I had to." She cut him off.

"You acted out! You could have gotten hurt. We both know you are not ready to go back to those sessions and it is my job to keep you safe. I can't help you if you're stealing my fucking car!" He snapped.

"I had a job to do too!" She tried to defend herself.

"You've been held up in your room for days. Don't act like you wanted to go." Mikale scoffed. He glared at her and finally spoke his mind. "I know you don't like Otis and I but I'll be damned if you prohibit me from following the orders Boss gave me. Especially if it means going on a joy ride where you could have totalled the car and killed yourself!"

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